Saturday, July 21, 2012

Colored Rice-- Updated with Pictures

Tomorrow I am going to be that awesome mom that gets everything I need to make colored rice for Kai.  I figure he can use it as a sensory activity.  I found the idea on the Smiles 'n' Snuggles blog.
I am anxious to see if Kai likes it.  He loves stirring his wooden blocks in my big bowls, so I figure he is going to love it, but we shall see.  Check out the blog post link above if you are interested in doing this project as well.  I will be posting pics later this weekend to let you know how it turns out.
Hiding puzzle pieces in it

Okay here is my update.  I used 5-6 cups of rice each because I wanted enough to fill my "sensory bin" or my Rubbermaid crate at least half way.  I used the 3 tablespoons rubbing alcohol and the entire squirt bottle of food coloring (which isn't 2 tablespoons for the record.)  I then filled the food coloring bottle up half way with water and used that as well.

I let the colors dry outside overnight since it is 80+ here even at night.  By morning they were dry and ready to play with.  They did leave a slight residue on my hands after playing with it, but it washed right off.  I would definitly advise using a large sheet if your child is as exuberant as Destructo was.  I had my sheet folded into a large square and he got rice everywhere.

Here are some pics:
Drying on my good platter it reminds me of fried rice
Rainbow rice

Linked up with:
 Link it Up Thursday
Momma Mar's Activity Corner
 Teach Me Tuesday
 Mop It Up Monday


  1. Aloha Melissa! This looks like such a great idea. I'm curious as to how labour intensive it will be. Can't wait to see updates! I love the name of your site btw, lol

    I'm visiting from the Aloha Friday Blog Hop and I'm now following you via GFC and Neworked Blogs. Have a fabulous weekend, Cheers, Renee

    1. I am going to come check out your blog right now. I made the rice tonight and it is outside drying. We shall see how it turns out. I am hoping the alcohol sent goes away once it dries. I am going to post an update tomorrow as I figure it will dry overnight. I am hoping my little man doesn't try to put too much of it in his mouth.

  2. First of all...this is THE BEST blog title ever. You had me laughing from those first four words. I've also done this with Pasta and my kids love it! I've gone into my daughter's pre-school to string necklaces with the kids and glued it to art projects too. And two year old boy still tries to put it in his mouth. Sigh...Especially since I try and avoid food coloring in their foods! Now following you via the blog hop and would love for you to follow me back....Will be back at your blog for more good stuff! All the best,

    1. Thanks. My husband thought it was too long, but I loved it too much not to use it. I should try pasta at some point. I bet he would like playing with that as well. Food coloring is the devil. With the exception of the free sucker the lady gives him at the Mexican restaurant when we go, I really try to avoid it as well. Which probably makes it even more appealing to him.

  3. Wow Melissa - it does look pretty amazing though! I'm not sure I can handle the level of mess - you're braver than I am. lol I think pasta would be a pretty cool thing to try. I know that for a craft once, the kids and I painted penne shells - they really enjoyed it. Thanks for the update! :)

    1. It wasn't too much of a mess until today. I let him play with it as I tried to straighten things up. Big mistake because he threw an entire cup of it all over the living room. It took forever to vacuum it all up.

    2. Oh dear. You'll be finding rice for years to come! ;)

  4. Thanks so much for stopping by the Momma Mar's Activity Corner Link Up! This is such a great idea - my kids would LOVE it! I hope you’ll come visit me at too!

    1. I am coming to check out your blog now! Thanks for reading.

  5. Thanks for linking up today with Mar! Rice play has been on my list of things to do with baby boy for a while now! Because he is almost just one year old, I think I am going to start by using rice krispie treat cereal...we will see how it works!

    1. Kai only put it in his mouth a few times. Rice krispies would work too though, but I don't think you could dye it as easy. (Or at all.) Thanks for checking out my blog.

  6. Yes!! This sounds like so much fun! I loooove sensory play, I'm obsessed with it actually. Thanks for linking this post up at my link up today! I'm so glad you did. I can not wait to see what you have to share next week.! IAny cloth diapering, baby led weaning momma is a friend of mine!

    Us semi crunchy moms gotta stick together! ;)

    1. No kidding. Semi-crunchy is the best way to describe me I think. I would be more crunchy if I stayed home though, but with working some things just have to take the most convenient/quickest route. Thanks for reading.

  7. Looks like you made so much, he must have had heaps of fun! My rice always ends up mouldy, I guess it doesn't dry out before we play with it. Thanks for linking up for Flashback Friday Blogshare!!

    1. It was 8 pounds of rice if I remember correctly. Or maybe closer to ten. I had a ten pound bag, but had a bit left over. I would say yours just didn't dry enough. It was 100 degrees out and I left mine out overnight.

  8. looks like fun. i'd like to try making this!!


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