Thursday, August 16, 2012

Guest Post from Carrie at Frugal Foodie Mama

Hello Everyone!  I am Carrie and you can usually find me blogging over at Frugal Foodie Mama.  I am hopping over to Adventures with Captain Destructo to tell you all my story of how I became a babywearing mama.  Because I wasn't always one... ;)

I didn't have some grand plan to become a babywearing mama when I first found out that I was pregnant with my daughter in June 2011.  In fact, I was pretty much clueless as to what babywearing even was then.  When I had my son in 1998, I don't remember ever hearing about wraps or slings.  I had seen a baby carrier or two then, but they didn't look very comfortable for parent or baby and thus not all that appealing to me.  I did the stroller with my son (who is now almost 14 years old, by the way) and we lugged around the infant car seat when he was a tiny baby.  
Taking baby girl to her first farmers market at around 6 weeks old
I first heard about babywearing from the other mothers I followed on Twitter while pregnant with Little Miss.  They made it sound pretty easy, but I still wasn't 100% sold.  Nevertheless, I added a Moby wrap to my registry.  My thoughts were that if someone bought it for us then we would at least give it a shot.  
Attending one of big brother's middle school track meets
Fortunately for the two of us, one of those very same aforementioned Twitter mamas bought it for us.  Now I am a total babywearing convert.  I have used a stroller one time in baby girl's six months, and I was wishing in that one time that I had brought my Moby wrap with me instead.  
It was absolutely fabulous when she was 2-4 months old.  I could swaddle her up in it, close to my chest and she would sleep as I baked.  Or did the grocery shopping.  Or cheered on her brother at one of his track meets.  As she has got older, I am now wearing her with her legs out.  She rarely falls asleep in it anymore, but she is happy and content no matter what we are out doing.
Her first visit to Mommy's favorite restaurant.  The Moby made eating out so incredibly easy between 2-4 months.
Out for a walk, swaddled close to Mama & napping. :)
Now I can't imagine our daily lives without our wrap and babywearing.  I so wish I had known more about this when my son was born almost 14 years ago.  Sometimes I wonder if my relationship, my bond with my daughter will be different than what I have with my son because of the babywearing.  It is fun to see her face light up now when I pull out the Moby and start wrapping it around myself.  She knows that we are going to go somewhere, and she knows she will be held close to mama the entire time.  Safe.  Secure.  Content.  And learning, observing from her mother's viewpoint.
Helping Mommy in the garden


  1. Thank you for having me over, dear! :)

  2. New GFC follower from the Mommy Brain Mixer. I LOVED my MobyWrap! Check out my blog and follow me back if you like. Thanks!

    1. I actually already follow your blog. I loved your cloth diapering post. I enjoyed my Moby wrap as well when Destructo actually cooperated. He didn't like being worn all that much hence the reason I did the guest posts from cooperative babies mommy's.

  3. I love, love, love this! My Moby is my absolute FAVORITE baby gear. My little A loves it so much and people just don't understand why when I put her in there she gets so excited but she totally loves being close to mama while taking in the view. And the stares I get are absolutely priceless in our very rural area! Apparently the baby wearing concept around here is a little "foreign". :)

    1. It is pretty foreign around here as well although I am seeing more and more people baby wearing. Thanks for reading!

  4. I used a Beco with my first child because it seemed less intimidating. I now have a wrap I just started using with my newborn, and I'm surprised how much easier it is than I thought it would be!

    1. I am going to try a Mei Tai type carrier if we have another baby. I want to baby wear from the very beginning to hopefully make the baby like it more than Destructo does.


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