Monday, September 3, 2012

Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning

I have been cleaning my house up like never before today.  Okay that isn't true.  Scratch that.  I have been cleaning my house like a tornado on high amounts of red bull.  Why might you ask?  Because I left Destructo at the grandparents house since they promised to bring him back in time for dinner.  This gave me 3 hours with no one here since Mr. Destructo was flying back home today.

I got my kitchen and living room cleaned up, laundry all done but not folded, Destructo's room cleaned and fairly organized, the floors vacuumed, and then miracle of all miracles I actually found time to at least straighten up my room and dust and vacuum.  I still need to get in there and do a more deep cleaning at some point, but hey it is start.  The dust was so thick that I actually had to take a wet rag and wipe it off that way.  And yes, I am hanging my head in shame.

Anyways,  I thought I would share this link with you guys.  I am going to start using this decluttering calendar even though we are 3/4 of the way through the year.  I am sure I won't be able to do all the activities since some build upon others, but hey any little bit will help.  I am hoping that they will put out a new calendar for 2013 so I can start it as my New Year's resolution.


  1. Sounds like me. I spent this Friday cleaning the house top to bottom. I was home from work and did everything but clean the floor boards. I was having family over on Saturday so I wanted to get it "company ready" as I call it. I get the most cleaning done when no one is home. But it got it out of the way and I was able to enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend.

    Hope you can stop by and enter the Labor Day Giveaway I'm hosting.
    Happy Blogging.

    1. I get the most cleaning down when I have people coming over. It is not a relaxing cleaning though, it is more like crazed woman on caffeine whirling through the house like a tornado. I am checking your blog out right now.

  2. So glad you got time to yourself babe, but sorry it was sent on cleaning. Though sometimes it feels good to clean like mad. Even with my cleaning schedule, I don't get everything done.

    Going to check out the decluttering schedule, always looking for ways to update my cleaning schedule.

    1. Ohh you have a cleaning schedule? You should share it. I really need to work on a cleaning schedule so that I can start taming my clutter.

  3. Yup, that's what I do in my free time too!! Sheesh!! Thanks for the link though...looks great!!

    1. Hey at least we never have time to get bored.

  4. when I have time to myself I NEVER clean...and declutter, isn't that a swear word?

    1. I do think clutter and declutter are both curse words. At least in my house they sure are. I dream that clutter is murdering me at night.

  5. I've been cleaning too. Fall cleaning and reorganizing before the holidays and cold weather hits. I always do that on Labor Day weekend. I celebrate by "laboring." :-)

    1. I plan on laboring over my Christmas break. I usually take a bit of time off work and really want to kick the decluttering into high gear.


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