Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Top Ten Newborn Necessities

It can be a daunting task to sort out which newborn items you really need and which ones you can live without.  Last week I did a post about the top newborn items that I found were wastes of money (see here.)  So this week I figured I would focus on the top ten things I could not live without when Destructo was little.

1) Fisher-Price Cradle 'N Swing, My Little Snugabunny  This was invaluable.  Destructo would not sleep flat for the first nearly six months of his life.  He also refused to sleep in his crib or the bassinet part of our pack n play.  He would only sleep in our arms and in his swing. Speaking of sleep, here is a post about baby sleep necessities.) I loved that this swing plugged in so no expensive batteries to buy.  It was soft and cozy and had two different recline settings.  It was very quiet which was nice since he slept in our room for three months.  It also played different nature sounds and had a mobile that he loved watching.  I highly recommend this swing.  (My second choice for swing is Fisher-Price Cradle n Swing, My Little Lamb.  My parents had this at their house and I really liked it as well.  It wasn't as quiet and was run on batteries, but it had a toy tray that the other one didn't that Kai loved to play with.)

Doesn't he look cozy?
2)  Pacifiers.  Destructo had a huge urge to suck.  Heck even in our ultrasound pictures he was sucking on the umbilical cord.  I loved the GumDrop Newborn Pacifier.  They were all one piece which I felt was safer than the two piece kinds and all the bad things free (BPA, etc.)  He took to them right away and is still using them today.  You know because I am a Crappy Mom.
Big paci

3) Newborn Gowns.  These were amazing for middle of the night diaper changes after those late night feedings.  You just pulled them up, changed the diaper, and pulled them back down.

4) Graco Snugride 35 Infant Car Seat.  This car seat worked for Destructo until nearly 15 months.  He was a skinny, tall little thing.  (See this post for more info on car seats I liked.)

5) HoMedics Soundspa.  White noise is your friend when you have a newborn, trust me.  Bonus, I still use this daily at nearly 17 months old to block out noise when Destructo is sleeping.

6)  Bumgenius X-Small Diapers.  These were the newborn cloth diapers that I ended up loving and the ones that worked the best by far.  (Check out a post with reviews for all the other newborn cloth diapers we tried here.)

7)  Aden + anais Muslin Swaddle Wrap.  I didn't use these for swaddling, but they were useful for everything else under the sun.  I used this as my nursing cover, to shade Destructo from the sun, to cover him in cool restaurants and stores, as a sun shade in the car.  These were awesome!

8)  Summer Infant Swaddleme Organic Cotton.  These were awesome for this mommy who can not swaddle to save her life.

9)Medela Pump in Style Advanced Breast Pump.  If you read my Breastfeeding Journey post, you know I had latch issues with Kai and exlusively pumped for the first couple weeks.  Obviously I needed a good pump and I loved this one (well as much as you can love something you detest.)  I also was a working mom and had to pump twice a day and this did the job efficiently and well.

10) Boppy Bare Naked Pillow.  This was so important when I was trying to figure out how to get Kai to nurse properly and made life so much easier after we had gotten good at nursing.  I could easily nurse him and have my hands free for Internet play.  (For more breastfeeding essentials, see here.)

What newborn items were must haves for you guys?

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 My Pregnancy Journal
Tuesday Baby

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  1. The "Comfort and Harmony" swing!
    Sprinkles was VERY colicky and the rocking/vibration combo was the only way anyone got any sleep in our house. Plus, it folded up nicely to go to Grandma's.

    1. I had the Fisher Price portable swing that we sometimes used at my sisters house. He never really cared for it too much though. He also never really like the vibration on his bouncy seat either.

  2. I wish LK would have liked his swing! He wailed when we put him in there!

  3. My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow and Nose Frida.

    I'm a new follower from hop.

  4. We went through 3 swings in the first month of my second son's life. I desperately wanted that Cradle and Swing, but our house is just too small at the moment. I, too, could not have lasted without the Velcro swaddlers, my Boppy pillow, or my Medela pump. Zip-up sleep sacks (a fleece "blanket" that baby can wear over his PJs) are pretty useful. I loved how soft and almost natural feeling the Gumdrop pacifiers were. Unfortunately, my second didn't know how to cup his tongue when sucking until he was almost 4 months old (so those were a no-go). I ended up using (and still use) the cherry-shaped MAM pacifiers (not the squished nipple orthodontic kind... That would have made breastfeeding even harder for us).

  5. Hi Melissa. I'd love to tweet this post. Do you have a twitter account connected to the blog? Thanks so much for sharing your list with me this week. I love swaddle blankets, Medela pumps, and nb gowns too. We don't pacifier, but I can certainly see the good in that one too!

  6. These are great! Going to a shower next month, so this will help!

  7. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. Sorry It's taken me a while to get here and say thank you xo

  8. So fun how necessities are so different from one baby to another. My little screamed in a swing, fought his way out of a swaddle, never took a paci or bottle, so I never pumped. The newborn gown are an absolute must have though! So easy for diaper changes! Thanks for linking up with the Tuesday Baby Link Up! I hope you'll join us again this week!

    1. I know. I always like looking at blog posts that are necessities or money wastes. I just hope if I have a baby number two, he or she has similar likes to Destructo since I have all that stuff. I already did link up for this week!

  9. As a soon to be first time mom, this list is great!!! I know there are so many baby items that you don't really need, and end up being a waster of money, so this helps a lot! Thanks!

  10. Thank you for the great post,It is really a big help.thanks for sharing nice blog. The information in this blog is extremely useful for the baby's mother. www.babychortle.com


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