Monday, October 1, 2012

Guest post from Roshni at Big A little a

Hello, all Adventures with Captain Destructo fans!! I so thrilled to be here while Melissa is taking her well-deserved vacation!!

I am an Indian mommy living in California with my husband and two boys, Big A, age 8, and Little a, age 4. My boys tend to be hyperactive and hyperspeechific (yup! I totally made up that word), and my blog is therefore dedicated to recording all the awesome, impertinent and obnoxious things that they say!

I saw a kindred soul in Melissa when I read her Ohh, the Mommy guilt post! After all, I definitely cannot claim to be a perfect mom myself! I regularly suffer from housework denial, I barely manage to leave the kitchen unscathed when I cook in it, and my kids routinely leave the house with mismatched socks, snotty noses, and uncombed hair!

I blame my blogger friends for it, of course!  If they all weren't so fascinating to read, the scene below would never have happened:

I put Little a in the bathtub; he loves to splash around for a bit before being soaped, so I thought I could catch up with my friends for a few minutes. Well, you know how this goes. By the time, I finished reading a blog post....or 5......and went back to the bathroom, he had come out, wiped himself down with a towel, chosen his pajamas and was now concentrating on trying to put on the buttons of his pajama shirt!
"Oh!", he said, on seeing me, "I thought you wouldn't be coming, so I got ready!" Unnnghhh!!!!!! Mommy failure!!!!

My mommy failure is such I wasn't even able to reach the Tiger mom status that our community prides itself on! Case in point, last week, this conversation happened:

I was walking Big A to his school and he was complaining that there was going to a substitute teacher in today. He said he hoped if wouldn't be Ms Bar! I asked him why. He said that she wore really stinky clothes. A real Tiger Mom would have immediately scolded her son and told him to respect his teachers. Instead, I bit back the giggle rising in me and the immediate comeback of 'Maybe she should be called Ms Barf then!' Luckily, I kept my mouth shut and just nodded sympathetically! What could I do, when I clearly remember how much I hated school myself!
Mommy failure again!!

Because of that, my kids too did not grow up to be the studious, obedient, and respectful kids that perfect moms have! Case in point, when we were getting ready for a ceremony at our house last weekend, and I had the enthusiasm to try for an elaborate top knot as my hairstyle that day! Pretty foolish because, till then, my kids had never seen me in anything more than a ponytail! So here are their reactions:

Big A: Uh....Mamma.....maybe you should take down your hair from up there,'t mind, but you're kinda looking a bit clownish!!!
Little a (his echo at his side): Yah!!! Clowny!!!! ahahahhahahahahahhaha

Mommy failure #3!!! QED, I guess!!!



  1. Hahaha! That was super-hilarious! And that bathroom-story, that so could have been a story of my bathroom, Roshni! Have lost count of teh no of times it has happened with me and Namnam! In fact my 6 year old has given up on me now! :(

    1. Glad to know I'm not the only one!! :D

    2. I agree something similar has happened to me. While obviously I can't leave Destructo alone yet, I can get absorbed in reading something on facebook or blogs and look down to see Kai drinking bath water. Ahh motherhood.

  2. Haha! I thought it was just the girls who would be so critical. Your boys are too funny! I love their spirit.

  3. When my kids were little I used to tell people with older kids not to tell me what was coming, I'm just trying to get through now. So here I am telling you what's coming, LOL. Those comments they make about you or your looks, they may sting a little, but they're innocent and inadvertent. Wait till they get a little older and put some effort into needling you! Love this post, it's classic you!

    1. You're a true friend, Karen!! :D

    2. I dread these days. At least right now the most he can do is nod yes or no when I ask if I am pretty.

  4. LOL....I love it...I too have had many many mommy failures but you always put those stories into the best read Roshni. Loved your guest post.


    1. I love reading her stories as well. I can relate to them on so many levels.

    2. Thank you so much, you guys!!

  5. Thanks for following me back!

  6. HAHA. I can always relate to you. I do not know how many times we have showed up places with kids faces dirty b/c I couldn't see the clear crap until florescent lights. Don't even let me get started on shoes, socks and inside out pants!

    1. Exactly!! So glad you have some of the same issues!! :))

  7. ha ha :D yours is a perfect family in my eyes.

  8. Roshni, I think you are the PERFECT mom ;) Love these stories and doubting that you looked one bit clownish!

  9. LOL! I always enjoy your stories, R!

  10. Literally ROFL Roshni :) little anecdotes from your charge me up,yay!


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