Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wordless Wednesday-- My name is Melissa and I have an addiction

Christmas hat

Ribbit hat

Fuzzy ball hat number one

Tough Guy hat

Me and my bestie wearing my fuzzy ball hats

Fuzzy ball hat number 2

Halloween costume hat

plaid hat

Another plaid "old man" hat

Smallest baseball hat ever

Bucket hat

Zoo hat

Bug Bug hat

Trapper Jack hat
A family of hats

Wearing our new Christmas gifts from my mom
Can anyone figure out my addiction?  Haha


  1. I had the same addiction when my oldest was little--we both had a hat for every occasion! Have a great day!

    1. Hats can be so much fun! I wonder if I have a little girl ever if I will be this addicted to hats?

  2. At least he is complacent in your addiction! Lk runs if I even pull a hat out!

  3. oh my so cute...boy hats are's so much fun dressing them withhats.

  4. Oh he is just too cute Melissa and loved all the different hats. I too love hats and could have been "Blossom" back in the day, lol!! Thanks for sharing and happy to be following you, too now :) :)


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