Monday, November 26, 2012

Daniel Tiger's Neighborhooodddddd

Before Kai was born, I planned to seriously limit television watching (and really any kind of screen time.)  This wasn't the only thing that went out the window once he was a crazy older baby.  You can read all about it in this post.  But I held strong to this one until he was mobile.  Then I decided it would be okay for him to watch a little TV as I cooked dinner.  Well he was never very interested in TV except for a few minutes of the Wiggles.
Mesmerized by Daniel after destroying the house

Then Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood happened.    My sister called me at work to tell me that Destructo was entranced in some show that had Daniel in the name.  I did some research and found out what it was and decided to DVR a few episodes of it. He sits and watches an entire episode with a look on his face of utter joy.  We even bought him a cute little tiger cub beanie baby that looks similar to Daniel and he loves it. 

Doing Ughamugha with Daniel
 The show is relatively new and is based on the work of Mr. Rogers.  Daniel Tiger was his first puppet.  It follows a tiger family and teaches little life lessons.  The songs are brain worms and will be stuck in your head forever and ever.  I am forever singing "Everyone is big enough, big enough to do somethingggg."  Kai also uses this when he wants to be my helper.  He will start taking dishes out of the dishwasher wanting to put them away and sing "Beeee enoghhhhh."

But the cutest moment in the Daniel love was last night at dinner.  We say prayers as a family every evening when we sit down to eat.  We always ask Kai who he wants to pray for and he chimes in with names.  Last night it was Momma, Dada, and then a string of nonsensical babbling that ended in Daneelllll.  I nearly fell out of my chair laughing that my silly son had included his tiger friend in his prayers.  He then clapped and said yay which is his equivalent to amen.
Sleeping with Daniel in hand

So what are some favorite TV shows of your kiddos?  Do you try to limit TV/ screen time?  Just for the record, I still limit him to an episode of Daniel a day (so 30 minutes) with the occasional two episodes on days where I am home by myself with him and really need to get dinner cooked.

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  1. aww...Daniel's Tiger is a well as Caillou. I admit I let them watch those 2 because really teach them good behaviour and manner...can't say the same for a lot of other cartoons...Of course our children watch Veggie TAles on special occasions, or when mom needs a break :)

  2. Love, love, love Daniel Tiger. (Or, "Dan-ne Tiger!" as my boys say.) I also catch myself singing those brain worms, too. "If you get so mad, that you want to roar..." is often needed with two almost 2-year-old twin boys. Although I also *try* to limit the amount of TV time, PBS programs are so refreshing...I love to see what they pick up from the programs they do watch (also love "Super Why!") My boys also like to "dance" with "Dash's Dance Party" on the website. :) Glad our little guys have a new friend.

    1. I use the "You gotta try new foods 'cause they might taste goooooddddd" song all the time since Destructo is such a picky eater here recently. I will have to look up the dance party. Kai loves to dance with me.


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