Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Top Ten Moments I am Dreading the Most

As every mom knows watching your child grow up is the most amazingly happy sad thing ever.  I love seeing him hit new milestones and get bigger, but on the other hand I miss my little baby and know that he will never be this age/size again.  I often dream about the person Destructo is going to become.  But it always ends up with me being teary eyed over him growing up so quickly.

Here are the top ten moments I am dreading the most (at least at this moment in time.)

1)  Destructo weaning.  This one tops the list because while to some people Kai isn't a baby anymore and doesn't need to nurse, he will always be my baby.  We have nursed each and every day of his life.  It is such a special bond that over the past year and a half has soothed ouchies, comforted a sick or overly tired baby, and chased the monsters away in the middle of the night.  My breastfeeding journey hasn't always been easy, but it is probably the thing I have done that I am the most proud of. I dread the day he decides he doesn't need to nurse anymore, but will be proud of the fact that we made it in the end even when many a days I thought I would quit.

2)  Kai's first hair cut.  It is coming.  I know it is.  My little baby that was nearly bald at birth will have to have a hair cut.  In my eyes, that really means he isn't a baby anymore.

3)  The first time Kai gets really sick.  He has had his share of colds and coughs, but nothing major.  The only fever above 100 he has ever had was from getting his shots.  I dread the first time he gets really sick since I know I will feel helpless to fix him and hate seeing him in pain/sick/whatever.

4)  The day Kai fully potty trains.  I have told you guys before I have a bit of a cloth diaper addiction.  Don't get me wrong, I will love when I don't have to change diapers anymore.  But I will miss seeing his fluffy butt run by and potty training really means he is a big boy.

5)  The day he hits double digits in shoes.  I don't know why this makes me teary eyed, but it just seems like he will be so big then.  Of course at 18 months old, the boy is already is a size seven, so it isn't that far off.
Kai's newest size 7 shoes from his Auntie Kara

6)  The day he starts wearing his 2T clothes.  Doesn't 2T just sound so much bigger than 24 months or 18 months?  This day is also rapidly approaching as he is currently in 24 months.  Funny side story here, I went to put on a pair of Kai's bummy sweat pants so he could be comfy when he napped.  He had worn them a week or two before and they fit fine.  They were high waters.  He looked so silly the rest of the day.

7)  The day Destructo no longer loves Daniel Tiger.  This is the first thing he has fallen head over heels in love with.  Oh sure, Elmo is cool and he likes the little red monster, but not to the extent that he is in love with Daniel.

8)  The day Kai moves from the crib to a big boy bed.  He was so little on the day we brought him home from the hospital and laid him in his bed.  I think his crib has shrunk since then.

9)  The day Destructo turns from extended rear facing in his car seat to forward facing.  I won't turn him before two for sure.  But sometime between 2 and when he hits the rear facing limit of 45 pounds or 52 inches, he will turn.  And that makes me a little sad over what a big boy he will be.

10)  The day he stops saying nope, nope.  This is a new thing he has started saying in agreement with me.  For example, he pointed to chips at the store and I told him well we surely can't eat chips for dinner since that was what we were shopping for.  Destructo replied with nope, nope.  I am not sure where he picked this one up (although my awesome coworker just informed me I say it sometimes haha.)  But it is truly the cutest thing he has ever said. 

Isaiah 46:3-4
“I have cared for you since you were born. Yes, I carried you before you were born. I will be your God throughout your lifetime – until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.”

Linked up at:
Let's Hear it for the Boys
Loving Our Children Tuesday
Modest Monday
Mommy Brain Mixer
Mommy Moments
Tell Me Tuesday
Top Ten Tuesday
Tuesday Baby


  1. We have those same shoes in the same size! My little guy is 20 months and solidly in size 6 for right now, but pretty soon he'll be wearing those size sevens. They grow so fast, don't they?

    1. Yeah in Converse Kai is still in a size 6. They run bigger. But he is a 7 in most of the others. He is going to have big canoe feet just like his size 13 1/2 wearing dad. It blows my mind when I look at pictures of him from last Christmas. He had just started sitting up well and wasn't mobile yet. Someone make time slow down.

  2. I have those moments regularly with my almost four year old and a big one for us recently was realizing that he can now shop in the "big boy" clothes section at Target instead of the baby/toddler area. I seriously cried while we looked for a new jacket.

    1. That was number 11ish (haha) on my list. When you got from baby/toddler section to kids section. I dread that as well. Preschool starting, starting to write letters, riding a bike. If you think about it too much, you will walk around crying all day. :)

  3. someone wise told me that "the days are long, but the years are short". And I believe it.

  4. yeah...those are all milestones in our lives...but with great sadness comes great joy. It is fun to watch them grow, though I still miss my baby

    1. Bittersweet is my favorite word to describe it. But I miss my squishy little baby a lot, but look forward to each new day and all the things he learns.

  5. Oh my goodness - I literally could have written this list myself a few months ago! I so understand. We've now passed some of these milestones, and we're still going strong so hang in there!

    Thanks for linking up at The Tuesday Baby Link Up! We hope to see you back this week.

    1. Thanks for your kind words. Our babies growing up is bittersweet for sure. You love seeing all the milestones hit and at the same time you just want life to slow down.

  6. I hate how fast they seem to grow up.

    New follower from Mommy Moments.

    1. Thanks for following me! I am checking your blog out right now. Time just needs to slow down a little bit.

  7. What a sweet post! My son is almost 7 months old and I'm already wishing that tie would just slow down!!

    New follower from Mommy Moments :)

    Landon @ Living the Dream

    1. Thanks for following. I love gaining new readers. Aww Destructo was around 7 months old last Christmas and it is such a fun age. He wasn't mobile yet and was still a little baby, but not newborn helpless. Enjoy it!


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