Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Top Ten Things I Never Thought I Would Say- 18 month edition

1)  Please stop licking the tires on that truck.

2)  You may not lay down in the parking lot.  Do you want to get squished like a bug?

3)  Please stop hitting Bug (our dog) with a spatula.  Nooo you can't hit her with the mixing spoon either.

4)  I am pretty sure he is possessed by evil spirits.  This was said on the night of this epic tantrum.

5)  Don't lick the cat.  She doesn't like it.

6)  I will give you gummies if you lay nicely and let me change your diaper.  This started with lifesaver gummies that he caught me eating one day.  But when the bribe worked well, I knew I had to find a healthier alternative.  I found some gummies at Target that are fruit puree and no added sugars.  Yay for bribes that are still reasonably healthy!

7)  Why do you like sliding down the slide naked?  Doesn't that hurt?  (We have a slide in our living room.  I promise my child wears clothing when we are at the park.)

8)   Stop touching your junk.  You are getting poop everywhere.  (Some things don't change.  This was the things I can't believe I have said 12 month edition.)

9)  You better say peace be with you to these people after the way you have been acting.  They deserve a little peace.  Destructo doesn't always behave very well in church.

10) You can not eat food out of the trash.  Do you want to get salmonella?

Linked up at:
Monday Mom Musing
Top Ten Tuesday


  1. Yep, you are going to be surprised at even MORE things you will say, as he grows up.

    Cute post - made me smile and wish I was a young Mommy again.

    1. Thanks! I am always amazed at some of the things that come out of my mouth in regard to Destructo. I need to carry a note book and write them down because these probably weren't even the funniest. They are just the only ones I remember saying recently.

  2. too funny!...and you are not the only one saying those things ;)

  3. this is great babe, I bribe him with gummies too. I give him motts gummies, they are better than most gummies.

    I ask him to stop touching his butt all the time, then he wipes it on my....boys.

    1. Boys they are awesomely disgusting aren't they? Yeah he loves those Archer Farms ones. Of course, I forgot to get more when I was there yesterday.

  4. Oh this post brings back memories...At church my son used to steal the shoes of the two very sweet, patient women who sat in front of us when we knealt to pray. Many times they went up for Communion in their stocking feet. For a while I tried to teach him to say he was sorry after the service. He obviously misinterpreted this. He began yelling, "Sorry!" in the middle of prayers and then swiping their shoes. Have fun!

    1. I got a good laugh at the thought of two little old ladies walking barefoot up to get Communion. I imagine Destructo will do stuff like that as he gets older.

  5. What is with kids and licking things? My 12 month old does it.... And sadly, so does her 4 year old brother

    1. I don't know, but it drives me nuts. He has even licked my feet before.

  6. ahaha I was just talking to my husband about this the other day. I say so many things I never would have imagined... lately it's been:

    "Please don't sit on the cat, it's not nice"
    "Don't put your doggy on your weiner"

    1. Haha I love the doggy one. I can't get over how many times I say the word "junk" to Kai. He is always playing with his junk and it gets poop everywhere. Disgusting boy. :) Thanks for reading!

  7. Hehe. Loved the one about licking tires. My girly is a shoe biter. Yuck! Enjoyed reading your list today, Melissa.

  8. Haha, yea, I'm surprised by some of the stuff we've said to our 17 month old! The best was "Are you looking at the zombie outside?" Our neighbor has a zombie bust coming out of his flower bed. LOL

    1. I always wonder what my neighbors think when the windows are open and I say random things to Destructo.


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