Friday, January 4, 2013

Goal Two-- Get my House Organized

So my house is a cluttered mess.  I manage to keep up with the cleaning aspects that have to get done to prevent my house from becoming a breeding ground for mold and bacteria like toilet scrubbing, dishes, laundry, wiping counters, that type of thing.  But I rarely  find time for the deep cleaning chores (mopping floors, dusting more than once in a blue moon, scrubbing windows, cleaning the fridge.)  Nor do I ever find time to declutter and organize.  I thought about hiring a cleaning person, but honestly until I tame the clutter it is kind of pointless.

So my second resolution this year is to work on getting a system in place that rids my house of clutter.  I have done okay so far as over Christmas break I bagged up a small bag of toys for my sister to keep at her house, packed up a crate of toys that I want to hold onto for the next kiddo to put up in my mom's attic and a crate of too small Destructo clothes (if I could only find the missing Rubbermaid top grr), and did an entire garbage bag of stuff to take to Goodwill.  Which is made more impressive by the fact that amazingly enough I actually took it to Goodwill right after I got my tire patched and jogged two miles.  Yeah yeah, I felt impressive yesterday.

I think I am going to do a combo of the Justmommies cleaning calendar with a little Flylady thrown in.  I love the printable calendar that was on the Justmommies site and I am going to throw in the Flylady daily missions on days I have time just for good measure.   All these links are below along with one that has all different free printables to help you organize your life.  I also found the Home Storage Solutions site that looks like it could be helpful as well.  Check them out and let me know what you guys think!

And now, here are a few pictures of my secret shame.  The most cluttered areas in my home.  I hope that in posting these, it will motivate me to get the house more organized so I can post some decluttered after pics!

The office is our worst area in the house.  On the other side of the room from this pic, is a futon that my poor sister has to sleep on once a week when she keeps Destructo on Monday and Tuesday.  This room nearly makes me want to cry every time I step in it.
Cluttered Office
 This picture really pains me as usually my closet is the one place in the house that is fairly organized.  I was storing all the presents in there before Christmas and  it just got worse and worse since I couldn't get in there very well.  Then I got a new organizer that I am waiting on Mr. Destructo to put together so I pulled the old one out for Destructo's closet (which is super organized right now yay!)

This is under my bathroom sink.  At times I have gotten it organized, just to let it slip back into chaos.  It is currently driving me insane.

These ledges (there is one on the opposite side above the kitchen sink as well) are hot spots for clutter.  The good news here is that they do get clutter free fairly regularly, but then it all builds back up.

So what tips do you guys have for keeping the clutter beast tamed in your house?

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  1. I think I see that Rubbermaid top in the first photo!! lol my house is the same way girl...I clean it and it quickly gets back to crap. I have found its better for me to only clean and work on organizing for small periods of time everyday(and rest ALOT because my job wears me out!) plus, the monkeys are now big enough to do cleaning and are happy to get money for doing lots of things to help mommy out! we recently bought a new washer/dryer set and I have to say I love them dearly(I have been going to the laundrymat for almost two years!), so now the monkeys are learning how to do their own laundry as well! my biggest thing is trying to force myself to get up and put things back where they belong when I'm done with them. its hard to do sometimes but i'm getting better.

    1. You see two Rubbermaid crate tops neither of which fits the crate I have already packed. I was so digusted when I discovered that fact out.

  2. I am really weird in the sense that I love organising !! My friends always book me to come over and organise rooms for them, and I don't mind because I really enjoy it haha. I always find that the less you have the easier it is. If something hasn't been used for a year or two it HAS to be thrown away! there is just no point in keeping hold of things that just sit there taking space but not being used. Good luck with your de-clutter, it's such a big job !!

    1. I am getting better and better at throwing things away that we don't use. My hubby is also a pack rat and let me throw away a huge trash bag and another half of a trash bag of his stuff over the weekends. Well actually give it to Goodwill, but hey it is gone. Too bad you don't live near me. I would hire you to organize my house!

  3. I am loving my declutter spree I am on. I am trying to get my whole house organized as well. U have a great blog.
    I am stopping by today from Mop It Up Mondays Blog Hop!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I am hoping to get back to my decluttering spree this weekend. I have been a bit side tracked by crazy Destructo and plans the last couple of weekends.

  4. That is a great idea for a blog hop. I am checking your blog out now. Thanks for following me!


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