Friday, January 18, 2013

What I Would Put on a Cloth Diaper Registry

I have been cloth diapering Destructo for 20 long months now.  So that makes me a semi-pro at it.  Is there some sort of merit badge for poop containment expert?   But when I started my cloth diaper registry way back when some 2 years ago I had no idea what to put on it or what I would need.  So today, I am here to tell you what my registry would look like if I could go back in time.
Never too many diapers

First off, I would start my registry at Kelly's Closet.  This is my very favorite cloth diaper store.  They have a registry feature that works like any other baby registry (scroll to the bottom of the page if you don't see it.)  They always have coupons if you spend a certain dollar amount you get a free diaper.  You can really bulk up a stash this way and get to try new diaper brands out.  A lot of my favorites were freebie diapers!

Now as for what I would put on this registry:   (Side note:  I am including links to my top choices.  But cloth diapering is all about trial and error and the diapers that are my very favorites might not be your favorites.  The good thing is that diapers retain a high resale value and then you can feed your addiction and buy MORE cloth diapers!  Also I am a working mom and had to have diapers that were close to disposables for hesitant caregivers so I went with the path of least resistance when Destructo was born with pockets and all in ones.  I have since tried fitteds and prefolds so what I use with baby number two will probably be slightly different since I am hoping to stay at home.)

18 pocket or all in one newborn sized diapers.  My favorites of all the different one we tried (see post here) were Bumgenius newborn diapers so I would most likely go with  mainly those since I know they work.  But I will admit I would have to get a few Swaddlebees newborn simplex just because of my love of these one size diapers.

12 prefolds (or two packs).  My choice would be Bummis organic cotton prefolds in size 1.  I have had good luck with these as an insert for my pockets.  Then the high point is if you no longer want to use prefolds, they can double as a insert for pocket diapers.

4 diaper covers.  I would use Thirsties X-Small covers.  I have loved this brand no matter what I was trying from them.  I don't see why covers would be any different.

2 large wet bags.  I loved the Planet Wise hanging wet/dry bags when Destructo was very small.  Since breastfed baby diapers don't stink horribly and don't require rinsing, I just left it hanging on the door knob of his room.  The problem was once he was eating solids and rinsing the diapers was required, I still did this and ripped the handles.  So don't do this haha.  I still use the bags though I just sit them in a bucket in the tub.

2 small wet bags

1 medium size wet bag.  I use Plant Wise wet bags for these as well.  The small ones are perfect for quick trips out and hold 1-2 diapers.  I use the medium one if we are going to be gone an entire day.

cloth diaper safe ointment.  Grandma El's is my favorite.  It smells good and really gives a good wetness barrier on baby's skin.

cloth diaper friendly detergent.  This one is really dependant on your water type, washing machine, etc.  I have used Rockin Green hard rock thus far.

cloth wipes (if you plan on using them)

This would be enough to wash every 2-3 days.  I had 18 newborn diapers with Destructo but he was a huge pooper going through 15 diapers a day some days so we had to use some disposables.  This is why I plan to have prefolds and a few covers next time around to make up for the super poopie days but still mainly use the all in ones.

Then if I was going all out and doing even my one size diapers as well I would also include:

18-24 one size pocket, all in one, or hybrid diapers.  I have used a multitude of diapers but if I could start all over I would go with 8 Grovia shells, 12-18 organic cotton soakers, 4 cotton boosters and maybe 12 Swaddlebees one size Simplex.  (We have mostly pockets now since this was what my family/Destructo's caregivers preferred.)

6 hemp inserts.  Joey Bunz were my preferred choice.

6 nighttime pocket diapers.  Take your pick.  Right now I am using Happy Heiny's, but have used Bumgenius 4.0's and Kawaii's all with success.

This is enough to wash every 3 days which is what I aim for.  If you are using a hybrid system like the Grovias, you can actually get by with far less.

Extra things I might add if the mood struck me:

Diaper sprayer

Wool dryer balls.  These really speed up drying time and help with static since you can't use static cling sheets in your dryer with diapers since it can cause repelling issues.

Baltic amber teething necklace..  These work very well.  Take my word for it.

Reusable nursing pads if you are breastfeeding.  I plan on trying these next time around.

So there you have it.  My redone cloth diaper registry.  Too bad hind sight is 20/20.  Oh and even if you add all these diapers and get them all, one day you will look at your stash and laugh at how many diapers have found a home in your diaper collection.  I might really like collecting diapers and constantly trying new brands.  Plus Destructo really needs a cow print diaper and a camo print diaper and a diaper in each color and a diaper with monkeys and on and on.   Raise your hand if you are with me.  Anyone??

So what was or would be on your cloth diaper registry?

Now on to the exciting part of this post.  Kelly's Closet is offering two giveaways to help add a little fluff to any new or expecting mom's stash.

First check out Kelly's Closet Virtual Blessingway Giveaway.  These prizes are too awesome not to enter to win.

Second, enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Kelly's Closet provided me with the opportunity to partcipate in this giveaway. AWCD is not to be held responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prizes. This post contains affiliate links which compensate Adventures with Captain Destructo with a % of the sale. Using these links doesn't cost you anything extra, but it helps support this blog and my family. Thanks!


  1. I would love to include these items in a gift basket for a new mom

  2. I love both the one size diapers and the prefold!! For cloth wipes I use old t-shirts (cut down to need to sew it, since the cotton of the t-shirts does not unravel)

  3. This is a great list! I wish I would have had access to a list like this when DS was a baby. We found out he was allergic to disposables and we didn't have enough cloth diapers to have him in them full time. I didn't know what to buy and I was afraid that by the time I would have bought them and got them here he would have outgrown them!

    1. I wish I had this list as well. I ended up buying tons of diapers that I didn't like before I found the ones I did. But luckily with cloth diapers hold their resale value quite well so I was able to sell them and buy more of the ones I liked.

  4. This is a great list, especially for a new mom!

    1. Thanks! I hope it helps lessen some of the confusion a newbie cloth diapering mom faces.

  5. I soooo needed this!! Obviously I'm not a new mom but I just purchased some secondhand cloth diapers to trial with my 9m old & would love to switch my 2yo over while he's potty training (he's having allergic reactions to disposables all of a sudden) Thanks for the tips! Any tips on knowing what detergent are/aren't cloth friendly by chance?!

    1. There are some great charts out there. I can't remember off the top of my head where they are though. I just googled cloth diaper safe detergents and found a few lists. From there I just chose Rockin Green because at the time I had a cloth diaper store walking distance from my house and they carried it. I have also heard you can use original Tide. But if your baby is having allergic reactions, I would try to use a cloth diaper detergent since they tend to be less harsh than clothing detergent. Feel free to ask any other questions you have. I am working on a cloth training pant post as well.

  6. I have thirsties covers for my not yet born baby and I can't wait to use them! And some gmd workhorses!

    1. I have heard good things about gmd workhorses even though I have never seen or tried them. I love my Thirsties duo diapers though for sure. I am excited to cloth diaper another newborn down the road. I am going to try prefolds and covers for sure.

  7. just came across your blog today thanks to Kelly's Closet. This giveaway would be awesome to win and I would gift it to friends of mine who are expecting twin girls next month!!! It would really help them out!! Thanks, dear!!

    1. Wow twin girls. They need double the diapers I needed. Good luck and thanks for reading!

    I've been digging for a while looking for info on cloth diaper registry, lurking on forums posting occasionally. So very happy you posted this! cousin has shower in two weeks and shes going to try cding, I'm kinda in ttc land and we are set on cloth as well, then my gf who I'm suspiciously eying and wondering if shes preggers again after a recent loss, is planning on cding also, so this information is very useful!
    I'm actually entering because I'm trying to help out my cousins who is going to try cloth.

    1. Well good luck to you. It sounds like you have plenty of people around you that need diapers. I am glad my post could help you and feel free to pass it on to anyone who is in the gathering info stage of cloth diapering. I was so very confused when I started, but it really is easy once you get going with it.

  9. By giving her some maternity clothes, since everyone thinks about the baby but this is quite often forgotten.

    1. This is a great idea. I would have loved anyone who bought me maternity clothes since I had plenty of fall/winter maternity clothes since I was pregnant from September through May. But once spring shorts and tank tops weather got here right before I had Destructo, I had nothing at all to wear. And maternity clothes are expensive.

  10. I would gift this to the Operation Homefront Baby Shower in April. its a baby shower just for military women and spouses who are expecting. Having a baby is hard enough but doing it alone while you SO is deployed is even harder. Been there twice!

    1. Aww that would be an awesome thing to donate them too. I can't even imagine how hard it would be to have a baby while my husband was deployed. I give huge amounts of credit to those who do.

  11. I'm having my first soon so these would be great to have. I also work with expecting families and know that baby gets gifts and help but moms who need maternity clothes get left out!

    1. I am going to for sure remember that with the next shower I go to and buy at least a nice looking shirt for the mom.

  12. Following you back - look like we have a similar mission for our families! :) so glad you found me!!

    1. I know! I love finding fellow crunchy mommas.

  13. I would have to be selfish and keep this for myself if I won. Due date is in just a couple of weeks and finances have not been able to cover everything we need, especially diapers (of any kind, let alone cloth), dewspite strict budgeting and cost cutting measures.

    1. I am sorry. I hope it all works out quickly because I am sure it is causing stress on you. Well good luck! Maybe you will win these. Babies sure are expensive.

  14. I have quite a few friends who are choosing to cloth diaper their babies. I'm planning to use cloth too, when I have my baby in July. I'd love to pass the diapers along to any one of us :)

    1. Isn't it exciting when you have a bunch of friends to share the cuteness of cloth with?

  15. When my friend was pregnant, just delivered 7 wks ago, I would search for maternity clothes at 2nd hand stores and garage sales to give to her. She was greatly blessed by me and others who did the same.

    I am now 12 wks and these maternity clothes are blessing me =)

    If I won, I would keep the diaper pkg myself as we plan to CD. We just dont have the $ in the budget for disposables, plus how it effects the landfills.

    1. I am so glad that maternity clothes have been pointed out to me as a shower gift. It never occurred to me before this post. I would have loved for someone to have bought me a cute summer outfit since I had NO summer maternity clothes since Destructo was a May baby. I ended up buying one pair of capris and one pair of shorts and doing lots of washing.

  16. Just starting to find information out on cloth diapers

    1. Well feel free to ask any questions you might have! I love talking cloth diapers.

  17. I really want to start cloth diapering from the beginning with my next one!

    1. Then you should! I started at nine days with Destructo and it was so easy back in the newborn days before he started solids.

  18. My sister in law is pregnant. I'm am trying to get her to CD. This would be a perfect gift for a first time mom :)

  19. I invite you to add this giveaway to my win it page. Thank you for sharing at the hop xo

  20. I was just googling cloth diapers and found your blog! I figured this was an old giveaway but realized it was still open! My first baby is due in less than 8 weeks and we plan to CD we just haven't bought any yet, so if I won these it would be a God-send! ;) to help bless a mom to be I would take her out for something to eat, or to get her nails done and also pass on maternity clothes to her!

    1. Those are all great ideas. I will have to remember them when my sister is farther along! Thanks for reading.

  21. Thanks for this post... I am right now working on my registry and am putting cloth diapers on it... I will definitely take your advice, especially the BG newborns!

    1. I loved those. I think I might try some prefolds the next time around too though just to say I have. Feel free to ask any questions you might have. Shoot me an email sometime. I love talking cloth diapers.

  22. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I am currently pregnant with my first and in the middle of my cloth diaper research. I am glad to have your perspective of what to register for.

  23. This is awesome! I will def use this when making my registry for baby 2.0. I didn't CD my son until he was 4 months old so I will need to know what to use for newborns next time! Thanks!

    1. Glad I could help. I love talking cloth diapers so feel free to ask any questions you might have.

  24. Thank you for sharing! This will help when this baby in my belly gets a little big bigger and i have a baby shower!

    1. You are welcome. Feel free to ask me any cloth diapering questions you might have. I love talking cloth diapers.

  25. Thank you for making this list, you have listed all neccesities and I love that! I clothed my youngest child and I can not wait until I have another so I can put some fluff on a bum again!

    1. Glad to hear a cloth diapering pro thinks it is a good list. Thanks for reading.

  26. Love the list. Great list for someone who is starting their cloth diaper journey, like me! Do you have a recommendation for the wool dryer balls? Thanks!

  27. Never mind , I just saw it was linked to KC! Thanks!

  28. This is a great list, very helpful for me as I'm pregnant with my first child!


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