Sunday, April 28, 2013

GoFreshBaby Reusable Pouch Review and Giveaway

I was given the opportunity to review a set of three GoFresh Baby reusable baby food pouches.  As I have said in previous posts, I am always looking for ways to live a little greener and more naturally.  I love these pouches because it is less waste in the landfills, less expense since I can make purees a lot cheaper than I can buy store bought pouches, and probably healthier too since I can control exactly what goes into the purees I make.


The seal on these is very secure.  I have trouble getting it open which is a great thing when you are a mom to a honey badger.  They are dishwasher safe (although I recommend hand washing with a bottle brush to truly get them clean in all the nooks and crannies) and also freezer safe.  They have oz and mm measurements on the side so you know how much baby is eating.  I also like that the spout is on the top like store bought pouches.  Kai reaches for these first since they are green and apparently that is super important to the toddler mind.

Filling them was do able with a spoon, but I would recommend buying the funnel that GoFresh Baby sells.  It would make things much cleaner and easier.  These pouches are also recyclable when you are done with them and free of all bad things like BPA, pthalates, etc.

And even more exciting, GoFresh Baby is sponsoring a giveaway for a 3 back of these pouches!  They are a great way to get veggies in your picky eaters as well!

Disclosure:  I was given a pair of the GoFreshBaby  reusable pouches for free to review and keep.  I was not paid to review them and all opinions are honest and my own.    See my full disclosure policy tab for more information.

a Rafflecopter giveaway