Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Top Ten Toys that have the Potential to Inflict Bodily Damage

1) Legos.  If you ever step on one of these without bare feet, you understand why this one tops the list.

2) Hot Wheels or the like.  Yeah not only do they hurt to step on, but they also cause you to fall on your butt if you step on enough of them.

3) This particular set of blocks is quite painful when they are tossed at your head.  They also can be quite slippery when you round a corner and step on one.

4)This set in itself isn't horrible.  But the orange in it is deadly.  Destructo thinks it is a ball. Balls are made to be thrown at everything including windows, TVs, my head.  The orange has sadly "disappeared" into the dark depths of the closet.

5) This shape stacker is dangerous.  As with the orange, the round ball like piece for the circle shape stacker part is thrown like a very painful ball.  It also needs to disappear to the depths of hell or the closet either way.

6) Yeah baseball bats and toddlers are not meant to come together.  Even plastic bats.  Even outside.  The box LIES when it says ages 1 1/2 -3.

7) This toaster hurts a lot when it is dropped on your barefoot.  Not that Destructo has ever done that or anything.

8) Again toddlers and sticks don't mesh.  Again I didn't buy him this just as I didn't buy the tee ball set.  Mr. Destructo was fully responsible for that.

9) Bubble machine.  This is fine for an outside toy.  But we bought it for Destructo in the winter and let him use it in the house.  Yeah talk about break your neck slippery floors.  Poor Destructo wiped out before I could get it wiped up.

10) Puzzles that have the little red peg on top of them.  It might make putting them in the appropriate place easier for kiddos, but it sure does hurt when you step on it.

There you have it, Destructo's ten most deadly toys.  What toys would be on your deadly list?

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Tuesday Baby 
Top Ten Tuesday 

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