Monday, June 10, 2013

Cloth Diapering Advantages A to Z

A-- adorable, addiction,always on hand, always stocked up
B-- budget friendly, bright colors, baby bum friendly, better than a belt at keeping pants on skinny babies on
C-- cute, cotton, chemical free, cost much less
D-- diapers always available, (No) diaper rashes
E-- expense saver, extra uses on future kids
F-- fun patterns, fun prints, free of chemicals, frugal
G-- great for nighttime diapering, green, geared towards green living
H-- hemp inserts rock, happy heiny, healthy obsession, healthy
I-- irresistibly cute, innovative
J-- just add's up (better for your family's bottom line), junk no more, justifiable
K-- keeping baby's chemical exposure down, keeping diapers out of landfills, keep for many babies
L-- lasts through more than one baby
M--microterry, microfiber, and microfleece, many options to customize absorption
N-- natural fibers, never runs out
O-- owl diapers (okay I have a bit of an owl addiction)
P-- poo splosions contained well
Q-- quick absorbing microfiber
R-- reusable, reduces carbon footprint, reduced waste, really super totally cute (love how this one covered all three letters that day!), resale value
S-- stylish, soft (no plastic on your babies butt), swim diapers (any cover can double as a swim diaper in a pinch)
Grovia cover that doubled as a swim diaper

T-- tushie protection when learning to walk from the extra padding, toxin free, too dang cute
U-- useful for multiple kids, unbelievably cute
V-- very cute, value
W-- wash easily (rather do diaper laundry over regular), what's waste when using cloth (just the poop), who wants a crumply ole paper butt when you can have a cute fluffy butt
X-- Xtra? protection against leaks
Y-- you get what you put in (often times they don't lose much value over time if taken care of properly so they can be sold when you are done with them)
Z-- zen???  I have no ideas for Z.

So there you have the A to Z advantages to cloth diapers as compiled by me and this blog's Facebook fans.  Do you guys have any more?   Comment and I will add them to the list!

And now to celebrate hitting 1000 fans on this blog's facebook page, I am giving away a Flip diaper.  It is brand new (although I did take it out of the package to see what Flips were all about.)  It is a light blue color as well.

Linked up at:
Mommy Brain Mixer
Teach Me Tuesday

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Z - Zorb inserts are great for nighttime! Love this!

  2. Cloth diaper is cuter, cheaper, and greener. Plus, I never run out of diapers!

  3. Saving $, green, always available (never have to run to the store), and yes, SO much cuter!

  4. Replies
    1. They have been saving me money since Destructo was nine months old when they paid for themselves.

  5. C - chemical free and cost less! My biggest two reasons!

    1. It is a great feeling to know I am reducing Destructo's chemical exposure load even a little bit. We are so inundated with chemicals in our every day life that I am glad I can keep his exposure just a bit lower in my diapering choices.

  6. save money! They are cute, less rashes and get to use them more than once :)

    1. Isn't it great to know that nothing except the poop gets thrown away with cloth diapers?

  7. Replies
    1. I totally agree. The idea of wearing paper underwear doesn't sound so appealing to me. I would much rather have soft cotton, minky, or whatever on my behind.

  8. Replies
    1. I probably should calculate exactly how much I have saved at this point. I bet the number is quite high since Kai is two years old now and has been mainly cloth diapered since nine days old.

  9. L lasts through more than one baby!!!!

    1. Some of my diapers look nearly as good as they did when I bought them. It is amazing how sunning diapers can get any stains out. I am actually passing on ten of my used diapers to my sister for her baby shower gift. Plus I will have more than enough for my next kiddo.

  10. I love how I don't have to keep buying box after box of disposables!

    1. Isn't that a nice feeling? I mean skipping over the diaper aisle on shopping trips really saves me a lot.

  11. save money, they're cute and no chemicals in them

  12. A-Z. except o. the best though is that my boys skin is so much healthier in cloth diapers.
    - Patricia B-

    1. Glad to hear that. Destructo has sensitive skin in cloth or disposables unfortunately. I did find that using coconut oil with each change has really helped as has using grapefruit seed extract (20 drops) in each prewash for my diapers.

  13. I never have to worry about running out of diapers and I can use them on multiple children. I current have two in cloth.

    1. Yep it is nice to know I am done buying diapers even for my next non conceived child. Well unless it is a girl. I might have to sell some boyish ones to finance some girly ones!

  14. I can reuse them over and over again, I save money not having to run out and buy them. My baby has very sensitive skin, so with cloth i dont worry about diaper rash.

    1. Isn't it nice to just change a kid and be like eh the diaper really isn't wet, but who cares? I can just wash it and reuse it. I don't think I would be like that as much if I was paying for disposables.

  15. I'm really looking forward to saving money and being extra gentle on baby's behind :)

    1. Every time I put a disposable on Destructo for whatever reason I just picture a quarter going down the drain. Yay for saving money!

  16. Cloth diapers are eco friendly , cute and better for baby.

    1. The cuteness really won me over. As did owl diapers. I love me some owls.

  17. I like that CDs save money and reduce waste.

    1. I got into cloth diapering mainly for the money saving with ecofriendlyness a close second.

  18. To reduce waste and avoid chemicals!

    1. Avoiding chemicals is another reason I cloth diaper as well. When I do use disposables, I buy the bleach free ones.

  19. i love that they reduce waste, how cute they are, and how i never have to run to the store because i dont run out (as long as i do the laundry haha)

    1. Yeah I sadly have run out one time. This was way back in the day when I had convinced myself 18 diapers was enough because I was going to do laundry every other day. Yeah. Now I have close to 40 diapers.

  20. Save money, cute OTB, less waste.

  21. I love the fact that a couple dozen diapers will last from newborn to basically potty training. If you run out of diapers you don't have to run to the grocery store! Also, I love that they save so much money and can be used on multiple children, if we decide to have another diapers will basically be free which is amazing.

    1. Yep the cost savings for baby number two is really amazing since the diapers long ago paid for themselves. You know assuming I have another boy and don't have to buy girly diapers. ::hangs head in shame of my addiction:: :)

  22. WE cloth diaper to save money!! Plus it's super cute :)

  23. We hope to cloth diaper to save money and be greener.

  24. No blowouts! I've opened several diapers that I just knew would have been up in her hair if she'd been in a sposie. Only leak we ever had was when I forgot to prep a diaper before putting it on her.

    1. Your name made a Third Eye Blind song get stuck in my head! I have had some leaks, but not nearly as bad as when he in in sposies.

  25. Replies
    1. Nothing like saving money on a necessity!

  26. It's better for my kid's body, better for the planet, and better for my wallet (well, kinda. I keep buying more!)

  27. Safe money! better for environment and baby and adorable!

  28. It saves a lot of money, especially if you get them as baby shower gifts or win some in giveaways.

  29. Replies
    1. They sure are money savers. Well unless you get addicted and keep on buying them. Not that I would ever do that.

  30. They are so cute. But my favorite advantage is they save money.

    1. I love owl and monkey diapers in particular.

  31. I love how cute my son's little fluffy butt is! Also, they save so much money - we are having another son soon, and I am excited to reuse the diapers for him.

    1. I need to have another boy or I am in big trouble if/when we have a baby girl number two. I will want to sell all my boyish diapers and get all cutsey girly ones.

  32. Cloth is less expensive, better for the environment, and so cute!

    1. I adore cloth diapers for all those reasons and more! A to Z more haha.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I love that I can make my own cloth diapers! Especially because I can never find the kind that I want :)

    1. I wish I was crafty enough for that. There are some really cute fabrics out there that I would love to make into diapers. Plus it is a good way to make money if you sell them on etsy, but alas I am not crafty enough.

  34. I like that i'm not getting chemical residue on my kid's bottom anymore like i did with disposables

    1. It is a great feeling to know that the only chemicals that might remain on my cloth diapers are the ecofriendly soap I use on them. And probably not even that since I do so many extra rinses. Yay for cloth!

  35. I love the savings of Cloth!

  36. I love the "expense savings" advantages as well as never running out of diapers!

    1. I can't even remember to buy necessities like food some weeks. I know I would forget diapers.

  37. I love cloth diapering for several reasons. They are darn cute, cheaper, safer, and more eco friendly. Not to mention, it's nice feeling like you aren't always just going with the flow of everyone around you, that you're a little different.

    1. I like being a bit different. I also like the weird looks I sometimes get when people see my cloth diapered, amber necklace wearing, non food coloring eating, hippie son.

  38. I love that we never run out of diapers, that we save tons of money, that they're super cute and most of all they're safe for my baby :)

  39. Less rash, less cash, less trash!

  40. We save so much money, they are SO cute & they are so much safer for my baby!

  41. I haven't yet used cloth diapers because I'm pregnant with my first one. The biggest draw for me right now is the overall cost savings for cloth diapers versus disposables.

  42. They're chemical free and green

    1. I get more and more green each year and a lot of it started with getting pregnant/ cloth diapering.

  43. S- SAVE! Save money, save the environment, and save baby's bum from weird chemicals and diaper rash!

    1. Yay for savings in so many different ways.

  44. Saving Money :) ...and they look good!

    1. I love that my baby's butt can reflect mine (and his) personality and style.

  45. Just starting my cloth diapering adventure and happy to be giving my baby a healthy start. You've got some great tips here, thanks! :D

    1. Feel free to contact me by email or on Facebook if you have any questions about cloth diapering. I love talking cloth diapers and helping new mom's figure it all out or figure out what they need to get started. Good luck!

  46. I love cloth diapering! It's so easy and great for my wallet and the environment!!

  47. They're so cute! I love cloth diapies! :)

  48. My main reason is the cost savings!

  49. S- save the Earth and my money!

  50. To keep disposables out of the landfill and to save money

  51. Giving cloth diapering a go this time around to save money :) Its a bonus that they are super cute and keep trash out of landfills!!

  52. I have a son. But I can't wait someday to hopefully have a daughter. Girls cloth diapers are so cute! The ruffles ad princess and pink!

  53. I love how cute they are! =] big, cute, fluffy bums... my favorite =]

  54. They are cute, cheap and they don't give my baby boy diaper rash!!

  55. E for economic and environmentally friendly!

  56. A - Addicting! Wait, that's an advantage, right? ;-)

  57. S- Saving money! Plus the cute factor doesn't hurt. :)

  58. Cost, not having to keep going to the grocery store, cute factor, less rash issues, less poop blowouts, less garbage, less stink...

  59. with all the great deals I had found for purchasing diapers online, I had a great opportunity to be able to try something new. Now I must agree cloth diapers are a great product


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