Monday, June 24, 2013

Ten Books that Make me a Sappy Sentimental Ball of Emotion

Reading is huge in our house.  Destructo loves books and being read to and has since birth (or at least once he wasn't a ball of eating, sleeping, and pooping.)  Typically we read books about trucks, construction equipment, trains, planes, or Clifford.  But every once in a while, he just wants to be read to and will just sit and cycle through a ton of books.  Well tonight it hit me how many books make me tear up when I read them to him.

Here are the top ten books that make me a crying ball of tears.

1)  Wherever You Are my love will find you by Nancy Tillmann.  This book talks about how no matter where the child goes, the parents love will always follow him or her.  Tears.

2)On the Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman.  Typically the tears start at the line "Life will never be the same" because that truly is how I felt when Kai was born.  And it is so very true.  My life is so much better for him being in it.

3)   Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown.  I read this book to Destructo every single night for the first year of his life.  Now I still read it regularly, but not every night since his interests have devolved into things with wheels and alligators.  But I will never forget reading this book to my itty bitty baby even though half the time he was asleep in the early days.

4)  Love You Forever by Robert Munsch.  If you mommies have ever read this book you know exactly why I cry when I read it.

5) Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney.  Such a sweet story.

6)   Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown.  This one is because it reminds me so much of Destructo since he is always threatening to run away.

7)  I'll Love You Anywhere, My Love by Nancy Tillman.  This woman sure knows how to make me cry.

8) I Love You Through And Through by Bernadette Rossetti-Shustak.  I love the line in this book "I love you through and through... yesterday, today, and tomorrow, too."

 9)  I Love You, Every Little Bit.  The pictures in this pop up book are so sweet.  I especially like the line "I love your eyes that shine so bright" since Destructo has so much live and excitement in his eyes all the time.

 10)   Oh, the Places You'll Go!  by Dr. Seuss.  I first learned of this book from and ex boyfriends mom.  On each kid's graduation, she would sit them down on the couch and read them this book.  I always found that so cool.  Destructo go this from his godmother on his baptism and the few times he has obliged to let me read it, I can just picture all the places life will take him.  And in all of them, it involves him growing up and not needing his mommy quite so much anymore.  Sob.  Read this post to really see my musings about Destructo growing up.  Sob again.

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