Monday, July 8, 2013

Guest Post from Rocky Mountain Mama

Rocky Mountain Mama so awesomely agreed to write a guest post for me while I was on vacation!  Check out her blog over at Rocky Mountain Mama.

What I Learned About Cloth Diapering

One of the big deciding factors about cloth diapering my first (at least for my husband) was the cost factor. The great thing about cloth is that we would also be able to cloth diaper our second and possibly third with the same diapers. Totally cost effective, right? We cloth diapered Christopher for 2.5 years. At the end of his diapering years, the cloth diapers definitely showed some wear and tear.

There are a few things I learned and would do differently if I could go back and do it again.

1. Buy Snaps: We originally purchased diapers with hook & loop closures for ease of use. After a year of use, they just didn’t hold the same. I ended up converting all of our BumGenius diapers to snaps. That was a large chore. After my son had worn the diapers for another year, I started replacing the elastic on the BumGenius diapers. That was an even bigger chore.

2. Be Gentle With Your Diapers: I used to strip the heck out of our diapers with bleach with our first. I wanted to get that smell out of our diapers. You know what I’m talking about. And then I just got into the habit of adding a little bleach almost every load. Bad, bad, bad habit. It definitely wore out our diapers a lot quicker than they should have. Not only that, I would throw all the covered in the dryer. All of this caused the elastic to wear quickly. Of course, at some point, you will have to replace your elastic, but being gentle with your diapers will serve you well in the long run.

3. You Can Never Have Too Many Diapers: The husband may disagree with me on this one, but I believe you can never have enough cloth diapers. There are pros and cons to every diaper and sometimes certain diapers work for certain occasions. With my son, I thought, “Oh, if we ever end up having a girl, she can totally rock the blue diapers.” True. And she does, but she also needed a few “girly” colors. I think it’s great to have a selection of several different diapers.

Our current stash (not including newborn diapers):
  • 7 prefolds
  • 2 Thirsties covers
  • 12 BumGenius AIO
  • 1 Charlie Banana
  • 3 BumGenius OS in each size
  • 3 Rumparooz
  • 2 Flip covers + 4 inserts
  • 2 Bumbaroo

Now that we are cloth diapering our second child, I am so glad that we went with cloth. We are using all the diapers we used with my son, with a few additions. But, overall, we have saved hundreds of dollars over the years.