Friday, August 23, 2013

Destructo's Favorite Toys at Two

My son is spoiled.  As of right now, he is the only grandchild on either side of the family.  Which also means he is the only nephew on either side of the family to a total of seven aunts and uncles right now.  Which means sometimes it feels like not a day goes by that he doesn't get a toy or book or article of clothing.  I like clothes and books.  I am cool with this.  He likes toys.  He is cool with that.  Either way, our toy inventory needs to go down considerably.  I want to divide some of the toys and rotate them out every few months, but need attic space to do so and I currently have nine full crates of 18 months and smaller clothes up there.  I think I might actually stash some toys in the shed.  Then he will always have "new" toys.

But anyways what are his favorite toys as a big two year old you might ask?  Well here is his ten favorites right now.

1)  Kidcraft Fire station.  Kai is obsessed with fire trucks and fire men and fire stations and everything "fie wah."  It has truly surpassed his train obsession.  He even wants a fire truck big boy bedroom.  My mom and sister got him this for his birthday (used off Craigslist for only fifty bucks no less) and he plays with it every single day.  It is basically a doll house for boys and I even like playing with it with him.

2)  Fisher price zoo talkers zoo.  He didn't like this much at first, but the more animals he got for it, the more he started playing with it.  This is another toy that was as much for me as it was for him.  I mean I love the zoo and what is better than a zoo that makes animal sounds?

 3)  Not quite a toy, but close is Destructo's "motorpsychee."  He wanted a "lellow" bike so for his birthday we got him a Strider balance bike.  He is slowly figuring out how to ride it even though he prefers keeping it inside so he can ride it whenever he wants (and naked a lot of the time eye roll.)

 4)  Melissa and Doug farm blocks are a favorite in this house.  Kai is slightly obsessed with making hay and for good reason.  Apparently he has a horse, cow, giraffe, and elephant in our back yard that he has to have enough hay to feed.  I hope he likes scooping poop.

 5) Matchbox cars.  All of them.  All of them all over the place.  All the time.  I swear these suckers breed at night.  And Mr. Destructo is enabling Kai on this one.  He is starting him a collection for when he is older.  Because anything Captain Destructo has now will survive until he is older  Yeah right.

6)  Fire truck.  It lights up and makes sounds and is so very annoying.  But he loves it.  It isn't the one in the picture, but is very close to it.  It came from Dollar General one day.  The batteries will never ever ever die.

7)  Melissa and Doug horse trailer.  This makes my horse loving soul happy.  Especially when he drives his horses to the race track.  Living my dreams son, living my dreams.

8)  Melissa and Doug car carrier

9)  Garbage truck.  Kai picked this out himself with his birthday gift card.  It also makes noise and has lights and the batteries also never die.

10) Thomas track master set.  He is still on the young side for this, but we decided to start this set for him.  He loves to play with it, but isn't quite old enough yet to set it up for himself.  I do have to say the trains are really well made because he hasn't destroyed them yet even with much trying.

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Tuesday Baby

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