Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Week 17: Onion


Yeah I am a liar liar pants on fire.  I totally forgot to publish this during my 17th week and I am 18 weeks today.  Whoops. 

How far along: 17 weeks

Total weight gain: 7 pounds.

Maternity clothes:  For sure.  Except my jeans don't fit right and dig into my stomach, but I am so cheap I hate to buy new pairs.  I only wear them on weekends since I wear scrubs to work and yoga pants around the house.  Ugh. 

Stretch marks: Not any new ones that I didn't have from Kai.

Sleep:   Sure when I drug myself.  I am still getting up at least twice a night to pee.  Ahh the joys of pregnancy. 

Best moment of this week: Going to the pumpkin patch with Destructo and my hubby finally coming home.  I hate when he is out of town traveling.

Miss anything: My back not hurting and Advil.  I really really miss Advil.  Yeah still the same.  I caught myself staring longingly at the bottle last night.  My midwife referred me for physical therapy for my back and hopefully this and the chiro I am seeing will help me to not be in so much pain all the time.

Movement:  Some.  Still very light and I can go all day without feeling him.  Occasionally if I bend over and squish him he gives a good hard jab.

Food cravings:  None this week. 

Have you started to show yet: Yes and I am carrying this boy slightly different than I did Kai.

Gender: Bouncing baby boy. 

 Labor signs: No

Belly button in or out: In  but getting more and more shallow.

Wedding rings on or off: On you know the two times a week I remember to put them on.

 Happy or moody most of the time:  A bit moody this week.  My mind just keeps racing about all the things I need/want to get done before this baby comes and it stresses me out.

Looking forward to:  My friend from Italy coming in for a visit.