Friday, December 13, 2013

Week 24: Cantaloupe


How far along: 24 weeks (You know last week of course  I am actually 25 weeks and 2 days.)

Total weight gain: Around 15 pounds give or take.  Still no new scale at home.  It is making me crazy.

 Maternity clothes: All of them.

 Stretch marks: Not any new ones that I didn't have from Kai. 

 Sleep:  Okay although I am waking a lot still even if I take Benadryl or Unisom.

Best moment of this week:  My little man finally feeling better and getting my houses floors mopped.  Yes I know how sad that is.

 Miss anything:  Not being achy all the time.

Movement:  Regularly especially at night.

Food cravings:  None this week.

Have you started to show yet:  Yeah quite a lot.

Gender: Bouncing baby boy. 

 Labor signs:   Braxton Hicks at times.

 Belly button in or out:  Out to a disgusting extent. 

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or moody most of the time: Moody since I have a cold and am miserable with that and not getting much done around the house.