Weight-- Somewhere around 15 1/2 pounds. I have the actual amount in his baby book but I am at my parents.
Height-- 26 inches
Medical Issues-- Same old reflux and food sensitivities
Sleep-- Ollie fails at sleeping just like Destructo did. He is an easy sleeper in that he goes to sleep in his crib by himself quickly. But he wakes up a ton at night even after we started solids at 5.5 months. I feel like I have a newborn again. Good nights he is up twice. Bad nights I lose count of the wake ups. Part of the problem is he can't get his paci into his mouth so hopefully that will get better soon since he is getting better at getting it in his mouth.
Clothes Size-- 6-9 months or 9 month stuff.
Diapers size-- He has moved up to the second snap rise setting on all but the biggest of his cloth diapers. In disposables, he is in a size three.
Diet-- Boob milk and Zantac still but mid way through his fifth month we added solids. We are doing baby led weaning again. He has just some fruits and veggies thus far. He loves to eat and actually started solids fully on his own when he grabbed a banana out of my hand and shoved it in his mouth taking a big chunk of it off before I could stop him. After that he screamed at the top of his lungs anytime he saw us eating.
Baby Gear I Love--
halo sleepsacksVulli So'Pure Teether, Sophie the Giraffe
bibs bumkins
Milestones-- He started solids. He started rolling back to belly and then the next day combined it with rolling belly to back back to belly a few times in a row. He started babbling more with different consonant sounds than he had been using. He started sitting up unassisted. He did all those things in a few days of each other.
Likes/Dislikes-- He loves his big brother so much. Even when we are getting onto Destructo for being bad, crazy, whatever Oliver is cracking up. We are in so much trouble. He loves eating. He hates when his toys don't fit in his mouth. He loves rubbery chewing toys like Sophie or rubbery teethers. He hates tummy time. He likes anything edible. This boy is an eater for sure.
Things I Don't want to Forget-- How great it feels to hold a milk drunk baby in the middle of the night when the house is quiet. This isn't to say I want more than one of these wake ups a night Oliver. How excited Owl gets when he gets food. The pure joy on his face when Destructo talks to him. How he is such a momma's boy and gets and ear to ear grin when I make eye contact with him. How he can fall asleep anywhere.
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