Saturday, October 25, 2014

Awesome preschool curriculum

I have been working on preschool activities with Destructo on a regular basis.  He isn't in preschool because with me not working we just can't afford it.  So I am doing home school preschool.  I scour the internet regularly for ideas and am working on a letter of the week.  (Which ends up being letter of the weeks since I have had trouble doing as much since Owl came along.)  

I stumbled upon this curriculum during one of these internet searches and it is awesome.  Destructo is obsessed with anything with wheels and so this one was right up his alley.  It is called the Zoomin Moving Alphabet and features different vehicles for each letter.  This week is D is for dump truck.  It is free to print and does letters, numbers, cutting practice, writing practice, opposites, colors, etc.  I love them as they are the first curriculum I have found that really holds Destructo's interest.  He loves to "drive" the trucks to the construction site which is encouraging him to work on his fine motor skills (and since he is behind in this I love it even more.)

Check it out over at Royal Baloo.