Tuesday, June 16, 2015

All by Myselffff

Mr. Destructo has been traveling a ton for work.  I am all by myself with these crazy kiddos.  Someone send reinforcements before I go to the loony bin. 

I have gotten used to his traveling over the past two years.  I still don't like it because then I am out numbered and as a stay at home mom never get a break.  It was actually a lot easier when I was working because at least I got away from the kiddos.  I CAN'T ESCAPE.  They are everywhere.  How are kids able to be everywhere at once.  

I only have two kids.  But yet I keep losing them.  Destructo can open doors.  Which means Owl escapes.  Then all of a sudden I notice it is way too quiet and lo and behold, the baby is wandering around the back yard.  

Someone help me......Vacation is in a week and a half.  Thank goodness.