Monday, July 30, 2012

Consignment sales rock my socks

I went to the local consignment sale on my way home from work.  You know while I have my slaves errr my family watching Kai so I don't have to attempt to wrangle him and shop.  I am trying to stock up on 24 month and 2T clothes now before he needs them.  And this is the time of year to do it with all the consignment sales.

If you haven't already checked out your local consignment sales, I can't recommend it enough.  They typically have one in the fall and one in the spring and only carry those types of clothes.  They also have toys, baby necessities (swings, high chairs, pack n play, etc.), some maternity clothes, shoes, and even Halloween costumes.  Here are two links that lists local consignment sales by states:

Some tips I have for shopping a consignment sales are:  1)  Be prepared to wait in long lines when checking out.
2)  Try to go on the first day they open.  This is common sense, but honestly things get bought fast.  I always miss the things I really want.  Most sales let you volunteer to work them and/or consign your kids things to shop the presales that aren't open to the public.
3)  If you are a new mom, find out about new moms presales.
4)  See if your local sale has a half price day.  Typically you won't get any big items this way, but clothes can be a great deal.  I typically go the first day and buy things that I am positive I want (assuming I feel it is worth the price the consignor is asking.)  Then I go back as soon as the sale opens on half price day and see if any of the clothes that I wanted, but were higher than I wanted to pay are still there.
5)  It is much easier to shop without your kids.  (And some sales don't want kids there so check that out before you go.)
6)  Go here to check out sizing charts for many different popular kids clothing brands.  I found this just today after I had already published this post, but it was worth editing to share it.

And without further ado, here is what I scored today for a grand total of 36 dollars.
Brown sonoma jacket $3; green Circo jacket 2.50
Red plaid Carters outfit 5; horsie overalls 8 (I spent way too much on this particular outfit, but I wanted it when I saw it at Cracker Barrel for nearly 40 so I had to get it.)
Childrens Place sweater vest/shirt 5; Santa  Gap shirt 1.50; Carter gray jeans 2; and brown Garanimals sweatshirt 1

Children's Place PJ's 2; Feed me Circo shirt and random jeans 3
Rainmaker tube 2; Thomas DVD 2; Elmo DVD $1
Overall, I am quite happy with my buys today.  Destructo is a bit old for the rainmaker tube, but I really wanted one when he was young and I figure the price was right and I can hold on to it for future kiddos.  I thought he would like the Thomas movie, but he could care less.  He would rather destroy my house and my baby gate.  Glares at son.  Oh yeah he climbed on the baby gate and now it is cracking.  Grr.


  1. I too love consignment stores! I still laugh every time I read "destructo". My youngest is totally a destructo. Enjoy your purchases!

    1. We had started calling him Captain Destructo after he started taking great pleasure in pulling all the DVD's off the shelf or scattering his toys everywhere. It stuck and became the blog title.

  2. Great finds! I love consignment shopping. :)

    1. I love this time of year because of all the sales. I am anxious for it to get cool now so he can wear the horse overalls.

  3. Wonderful finds! I love consignment sale season! It hits here in the fall and I enjoy shopping and consigning as well!

    1. Yep I need to actually mark them all on my calendar so I don't miss any of the good ones. We have a bunch coming up in August and September here.

  4. I love consignment stores too! I am so big on buying things second-hand. My daughter has Elmo in Grouchland and she loves it, I hope Capt. Destructo likes it too ;) Thanks for linking up at Sweet Saturday!

    1. Tomorrow is the half price day so I am going to go back and hopefully pick up some of the things I decided to wait on. I just can't see paying full price when I can get it a quarter of the price used.
      I will let him watch Elmo in the next few days. I tried the Thomas one and he watched it for 0.2 seconds. But I did discover he liked watching Olympic soccer so I DVRed on match for future use. LOL

  5. These are some great finds! I can't wait for our local consignment sale! My little boy has the green vest set too! I love it with his khakis!

    1. I am hoping to get a good pair of khakis at the next consignment sale (this Tuesday.) I would like a pair that is a little dressier than what he has right now, something like Dockers or Baby Gap ones.

  6. Lucky you. I should go back to our local consignment area here too:)

    Hopping by and following your lovely blog (GFC and NB).

    The Quiet Mom blogging @ How to Cook Fresh Artichoke Recipe

    Also, don't miss this: 12 Major Reasons to Use Self-Hosted WordPress for Blogging and Selling Your Products Online + Custom Blog or Social Network Button Giveaway

  7. Thanks so much for linking to our price guide! We have CONSIGNMENT SALE listings too (and much more comprehensive then others on the web!)

    1. I will add that into my post as well. I just want everyone to get all the awesome deals I got. Thanks for reading!

  8. Great haul! I have a favorite shop that I frequent often. I always find good stuff there :)

    Thanks so much for linking this up to our Weekend Wonders link party! Hope to see you again on Thursday.

    1. Thanks for reading! I plan to link up again. I love link parties.


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