Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Wordless Wednesday-- If I Could Turn Back Time

I would go back even if just for one afternoon to have one more break neck gallop through a field on my beautiful Arabian mare, Ellie.  What I wouldn't give to feel her knotted up mane under my fingers or smell her horsey strawberry conditioner smell.  I would love to scratch her soft chin and feed her as many cookies as she could eat.  I can still feel her breath on my hand on the cold winter mornings when I trudged down to feed her and make sure she had unfrozen water.

I would love to see her galloping around her field always chasing the boys.  To hear the squeak of the saddle under us as we jog down a trail would be music to my ears.  I would give anything to be able to cry in the corner of her stall on the rough days when it feels like the whole world is against me.  I would even take getting bucked off her back when she is having a feisty day if it would bring her back to me.

Okay I guess this is a word full Wednesday post after all.  I should have known I couldn't just post a picture of Smelly Ellie without words.  She was the greatest horse I could ever imagine owning and I can only hope that my future horse is half as amazing as she was (and that I am fortunate enough to own a horse again.)  She taught me everything I know about riding and in a hurry since you had to learn how to be a good rider to stay on her back long.  She was truly my first child and I will miss her until the day I die. 

Always a trouble maker she was trying to run out the gate as I opened it


  1. I miss smelly Ellie too, and she HATED me. The other day I was thinking about her laying down in your parents' yard in the rain because she didn't want me to trailer her lol

    1. LOL. I had forgotten about that. She sure didn't want you to take her somewhere. But don't feel bad, she hated the majority of people riding her except me (and she only tolerated me.) As soon as it isn't as hot as hell I am coming down there to ride Simmie. I am dying to get on a horse.

    2. Yeah, give me about 2 weeks heads up so I can start him back on Accel, or you will be road pizza lol

  2. She is gorgeous!! Thanks for linking up! Hope to see you next week!

    Wonderful Wednesday Co-Host

  3. She was beautiful :) Love how you named her Smelly Ellie lol. Thanks for linking up for WW! I've now your newest GFC follower :)


    1. Thanks for following. She was a beauty although she had a penchant for covering herself completely in mud.

  4. What a gorgeous horse and a beautiful name (my daughter's name is Elise and some l call her Ellie)!

    1. I will consider a variation of Ellie if I ever have a little girl (and can get my husband on board.) Ellie's registered name was Ela Garniza and I have always loved Ella for a little girl. I also thought about Eloise, Eleanora, or Elliana.

  5. What a beautiful horse.
    Thanks for the follow, following back

  6. Thanks for linking up at Simply Helping Him (my last comment posted early :/)

    1. I love linking up and finding new blogs to follow. Thanks for reading!

  7. Love the picture and the special sweet place she will always have in your heart :) Nominated you for the Sunshine Award today--you've got a wonderful blog! http://www.themomoftheyear.net/2012/08/the-sunshine-award.html


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