Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sometimes a mommy's just gotta have fun

Since having my son, I have not been away from him much at all.  I did go to the Kentucky Derby in May and had a blast.  But other than that, I have basically only been away for him for a few hours here and there and to go to work.   Breastfeeding complicates matters of hanging out with friends because you have to pump or feed the baby every few hours.
Churchill Downs twin spires

Well I have been down in the dumps and seriously needing a fun girls night.  When Mr.Destructo had to travel out of state for work this week, I figured out a wonderful solution to my problem.  I invited one of my coworkers who is also one of my close friends to spend the night and have a sleepover.  ( I know, I know it made me sound like I was five when I asked her.)

This was the best of both worlds since I could still be with my sonny boy and have a girls night.  We started by having a feast of epic proportions at the local Mexican restaurant.  We had some delicious margaritas and cheese dip as well.

Then we went home and played with Kai for awhile and got him ready for bed.  Once he was fast asleep, we had some of those slushie Pina Colada things that you freeze and watched Sweet Home Alabama (only my all time favorite movie.)

Between reminiscing about our younger days and looking at horrible pictures (thank goodness Facebook and Myspace and smartphones were not really popular yet in my college days) the hours flew by and we stayed up way too late.  I might have even been giggling like a girl ( I know this from the anti-girlie girl.)

Since we both had to work the next day, we decided to go to sleep around 11.  Well I needed a snack so we sat outside since it was so nice out.  One thing led to another and before long we decided it was a right good idea to go swimming.  And a good idea it was.  My pool is in direct sunlight so it was probably 90 degrees and more hot tub like than pool like.  I need to float around my pool in the dark more often.

5:30 came way too quickly especially since I didn't go to bed until 12 and then Destructo decided to wake up and need "rockie rockie" at 3 AM.  It is definitely a coffee kind of morning (and I never drink coffee.)  But a small price for a night of laughs, swimming, and good memories made.

I highly encourage all you mommies out there to have a girls night sleepover.  It made me feel much younger than I have been feeling.  It also helped me to remember who I am, which sometimes seems to get lost.  I am Melissa, not just Destructo's mom or Mr.Destructo's wife. And this is something I should probably try harder not to forget.

This post is linked up over at the MOB Society blog.  Check it out!


  1. This was a comment from Rachel that got deleted because of problems with Intense Debate:
    I know exactly how you feel. It's so hard to get any time to yourself when you've got a baby dependent on you. Sounds like you had a lot of fun and a girls night in sounds like a great compromise. I myself am going on Saturday for my first girls night out since having my son, I'm so excited!

    1. Thanks for reading. I am actually going out on Saturday as well after my son goes to bed. My family comes in this time of year and we always go to the country music bars. I didn't get to go last year since Destructo was so small. I am excited.

  2. That is awesome :) What a great idea - I've never thought to have a sleepover - and now I want too!!

    1. My hubby has to go out of town again in a few weeks so I am hoping we can do another girls night sleep over. It sure is nice to feel young again.

  3. new gfc follower through the blog hop :)

  4. Replies
    1. You should try it sometime. We had a blast!

  5. Agreed. I am in need of some Mommy fun time!

    1. Sleep overs are fun. I think we are going to a couple friends house this weekend and it is supposed to be beautiful so I am looking forward to that.


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