Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Top Ten Christmas Gift Ideas I am Considering for Destructo

I am super excited about Christmas this year.  Destructo will be just under 20 months old and will really be big enough to get excited about snow, presents, the nativity set at church, seeing the Christmas lights.  So of course I have been thinking about what I can buy him or make him as his gifts.  Here are the top ten ideas I am tossing around right now.

1)  A kitchen set made out of an old TV stand.  I saw pictures of these floating around on pinterest and was really interested.  The nice wooden kitchen sets that you can buy are 100 dollars or more.  Plus what would be more fun than a project for me and Mr. Destructo to work on together for Kai.  Destructo loves cooking and mixing things and I can only imagine how much he would love a kitchen set.  This kitchen set is what I am aiming for (or something very similar.) 

2)    I actually already got this for him.  I found it for 12 bucks at one of my consignment sales brand new in the package never opened.  He loves building things with his blocks and he loves playing with his farm set so I figured this was a good combo.

3)    This Thomas play set was on clearance at Target for 13 dollars.  So I went ahead and picked it up.  Destructo is really into trains right now so hopefully he will still be at Christmas time.

4)  A food set to go with the kitchen (assuming we make the kitchen set.)  I would like something like this setor this set.

5)  A pots and pans set such as this one or this set.   

6)  A dishes set for the kitchen.  Can you guys tell I am really stuck on the kitchen set?  I hope Mr. Destructo is on board with helping me make this since I am not the handiest with tools.  Oh and I hope Grandma Destructo is on board as well since I don't own a sewing machine nor know how to use one.
This is the set I have my eyes on.  

7)  A chefs hat and apron.  Again Grandma Destructo are you reading this?  I want it to match his room.

8)  A toddlers Bible.  He already has a lift the flap bible that he loves, but I would like a little older of a version so that he can use it even when he moves out of the toddler board book stage.  Any suggestions?

9)  A fishing pole.  Mr. Destructo loves fishing (and so do I for that matter.)  I figure Destructo will be fishing this time next year so Christmas would be a good time to get him a cute little fishing pole.  I love this set as well for pretend play around the house.

10)  And while I am fantasizing about all the awesome things I would like to buy Kai for Christmas if money was no option this would be tops on my list.   I mean what could be more fun than a giant wooden swing set?  This set is literally nearly 1000 bucks so I can guarantee you guys which one will not happen this Christmas (or any Christmas unless Mr. Destructo builds it himself.)    But hey a girl can dream right?

More than anything I want to teach Kai that Christmas isn't about the presents or good food or a beautifully decorated Christmas tree.  That the only reason we celebrate Christmas is because God sent his only son down from heaven to die for our sins and save us.  But this is a whole other post that I will write closer to Christmas.

Linked up at:
Thursday Favorite Things
Toddle Along Tuesday

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  1. We have the kitchen set you posted made out of recycled milk jugs. They're going on 4 years of heavy use and still look great! My son is now inheriting them. We also have the Plan Toys vegetables that you cut... and those are a lot of fun for my 20-month-old! He loves the "chop" noise and giggles hysterically.

    Christmas with a theme is always fun.

    1. Ohh Christmas with a theme. It has a nice ring to it. I am glad for the review on the kitchen set. I wasn't sure how they would hold up, but really like the recycling part of them and the safety one.

  2. Great ideas! I would love to get penny and Ben a kitchen set, but I just don't know if there willbe any room for it until we move. We are quickly outgrowing our apartment!

  3. Love the kitchen idea. Now if only my hubby was handy! Where did you purchase your lift the flap bible?

    1. Check out this post. I have the exact one on it. It was from Amazon.


    2. Oh and I highly recommend it. It gets his attention for a good 15 minutes in church which is a huge life saver since he is a wild hellion in church.

  4. I love that kitchen set :) We were gifted a hand me down little tikes kitchen, other wise I would have been all over that! We have lots of play food as well - it seems like I"m always finding it everywhere!

    Great list!

    1. Yeah he has the Melissa and Doug food groups set and it gets everywhere. I always laugh at which combos he puts in his bowls to "cook."

  5. My daughter loves her kitchen set!! One of the best toys out there, it grows with them.

    I want to get a swing set this year too, but at the same time she's going to still want to go to the park where the other kids are, so still deciding on that...

    1. That is kind of my reasoning too. We live so close to a number of different little parks. I might try to get a small little tikes climber or play house on Craigslist or a yard sale though.

  6. Wow. You're on top of things. This is a great list. I really like that farm block set. Brand new? What a steal.

    1. Yep brand new never opened. I was excited. Oh and as for being on top of things, let's just say I got a little bored one day at work. LOL

  7. We have so much kitchen stuff on our list this year too! The pots and pans sets are great!

    1. It looks like a lot of kids are going to be having a kitcheny Christmas this year. Haha

  8. I can't wait until we can have a swingset! Have to get out of this rental first, ugh. Great list!

  9. our grandsons have a kitchen and pizza making goodies too. Thank you for joining in the fun at the Thursday Favorite Things hop. Happy Tuesday wishes xo P.S. sorry I'm so late visiting :-)


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