Tuesday, September 18, 2012

10 Most Useless Newborn Items

1)  Infant hairbrush.  When you are born with no hair, you have no need for a hairbrush.  My baldie boy didn't have enough hair to need to be brushed for months.
No hair for my hair brush.  Who can name that tune?

2)  Mittens.  I tried to use these when he was scratching the crap out of his face, but he would just suck on them anytime his hands were free and get them all wet and cold.  It was much easier to just swaddle him with his hands in a lot of the time.  This also kept him calm and helped him to sleep a little bit better.

3)  Cute baby shoes.  As adorable as they were on him, baby shoes served no actual purpose.
I'm a Cowboy Baby.  Anybody want to name that tune as well?

4)  Bottle warmer.  This was useless to me as I breastfed and even when I gave him bottles, it was just easier to heat it in warm water.  (I used Playtex nursers with the liners so they heated very fast in warm water.)  I really liked this bottle warmer though and if I had formula fed, it probably would have been a lot handier.

5)  Pack n play.  Since Destructo only slept in his swing for the first six months of his life, this was useless.  We do use this anytime we travel and occasionally for a ball pit though so not a total waste.  I have a feeling I am going to love it on vacation in two weeks.

Destructo in his ball pit jail

6)  Flannel receiving blankets.  They were just too small for me to do much with.  When I do use them, I would use them as burp rags.  (Side note, theAden by aden + anais swaddle blankets are well worth every penny they cost but that is in a post to come.)

7)  Crib bedding set.  Completely useless, but I don't regret getting it.  I put the quilt on the back of my rocking chair and it looks pretty.  I do love the matching lamp.  I also use the sheet and changing pad cover regularly.  Stay tuned for a Flashback Friday with pics from Destructo's nursery hopefully this Friday.

8)  Small drool bibs.  They were just useless.  Destructo wasn't a very drooly baby even when teething.  Plus they are too small for eating.  But they were cute so I guess they served some purpose.

Chick Magnet

9)  Rocking chair.  I have a Shermag glider with a matching ottoman.  It is the single most useful thing I have right now.  But the first six plus months of his life, I almost never used it at all.  So I recommend getting one, but it isn't anything you need to have immediately at the baby's birth.  (Oh and Babies R Us has them on Black Friday sales for 149 and I love the Shermag brand.)

10)  Bumbo and other seats like it.
He just never liked sitting in it very much.  I loved it at the daycare when I had multiple babies to take care of at once, but with just Destructo, I never really used it much.

So what items did you guys find totally useless when your babies were newborns?  Be on the lookout next Tuesday for the top ten newborn items I most highly recommend.

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  1. The Boppy. I breastfed all 3 of my kids never used the Boppy. I don't know what I was doing wrong but never got the hang of it. Returned the first one, and then with baby number 2, a friend gave me one as she couldn't believe I didn't have one and couldn't believe I didn't have one.

    At least I ended up with credit at Babies R Us to get things I did need.

  2. great post, I saved all my receiving blankets and wash clothes and use them as wet napkins for Dinosaur to clean up after a meal.

    I used the pack and play as a place to put him when I showered before he climbed out of it. Then it was toy storage for a while.

    I loved the bumbo seat but only used it a few times. It was unsafe unless it was against a wall, he liked to tip back sometimes.

    1. I think if I have another kid, I will probably cut up the receiving blankets for cloth wipes to use with my cloth diapers.

  3. I love this post! I found pretty much all of those things useless, too, except for the mittens. My kids LIVED in them for at least a month--they'd go Freddie Krueger on their face if not! I think having my kids 6 years apart really was beneficial. By the time I had my son, SO MANY NEW THINGS were out on the market. But I had already learned from DD what I needed, and went with just the basics.

  4. I nominated you for an award! Check it out:

    1. Thanks! I will be sure to "accept" the award and do a post this weekend.

  5. Terrific list! I agree completely with the infant hairbrush. My children were all baldies, but somehow I ended up with three hairbrush and comb sets, none of which I ever used. I always breastfed as well and was so grateful there wasn't a need for a bunch of bottles, nipples, warmer, etc.

  6. Found you thru a blog hop!
    Love this post!

  7. What a cutie! And that tune- wasn't that a Larry the cucumber song?

    1. Ding ding ding. You named that tune. I love Veggie Tales songs. Kai doesn't seem to care for them much though.

  8. I used the drool bib for two seconds before I realized that it was more work to keep it in place and make sure that LK wasn't choking himself on it than a little drool. I learned real quick that drool was the least of my problems ;)

  9. I completely agree with you on most of those. However, I loved our rocking chair. I rocked my daughter for hours and hours from the time she was born until she was hmm... Over a year old.

  10. totally agree, especially about the hairbrush and the shoes!! lol!!

  11. Oh, I'd have to disagree with you on the Pack N Play and the Rocker ... we use our PNP for a crib, and this rocker has seen me through 4 babies now. ;) The verdict is still out on the Bumbo for us.

    Totally agree with you on the A&A swaddling blankets -- I bought them on a whim, after a friend recommended them -- I am in LOVE. They are amazing.

    1. I love my rocker now. We read his bedtime books in it every single night and rock through the middle of the night wake ups. I just didn't use it much until he had moved out of our bedroom and stopped sleeping in his swing.

  12. I agree with most of these!! All except the pack n play (which we really only use if we are going on a trip) and the rocking/glider chair.

    Great list!

  13. So funny! So true! Thanks for the post! Flannel receiving blankets: I made my own, bigger size, and still using them: multifunctional and pretty, easy to pack...

    1. I was very much a Aden and Anais blanket lover. I loved that they were so light weight even in the summer. I used flannel ones as burp rags a lot though too.

  14. With a baby on the way, I'm so happy I didn't register for the stuff you have listed! My sister made helped me by making a list of the essential things we needed right away. We did however find a rocker with an ottoman at a thrift store, and bought it because my husband wanted one. I fixed it up, and it costs way less than buying a new one. Thanks for the list!!

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