Saturday, September 29, 2012

Advice to Captain Destructo from Dinosaur Superhero

Hey, Dinosaur here from Dinosaur Superhero Mommy giving advice to Captain Destructo. My mommy posts about cleaning, cooking and organizing, and renewing her faith while taking care of a crazy Dinosaur...ME! I love my mommy but need to keep her on her toes and that's what I am going to help Destructo with today. If you have any advice to add on, let us know.

1. Don't let mommy ever tell you that you can't have cake. You do what you have to in order to GET THAT CAKE. I once climbed on a chair to score my prize. The most important part is bringing the cake back to a safe place to eat and making a HUGE mess. Eating it in just your diaper and shirt is even better.

2. Have a good hiding place. As an only child, I can't blame my terror on anyone else. I can only blame a few things on Balboa. So a good hiding place where mommy can't find you is important. See I bet you can't find me at all. By the time mommy finds you, she is so happy that she doesn't care what damage you did.

3. Everyone once in a while you MUST rip your room apart. This is my bedroom in our old house. I threw EVERYTHING on the floor, it was so much fun. There is nothing like a good day's work of havoc. I think it's time to rip up my new bedroom now...*evil dinosaur laugh*

4. When mommy really wants to take a good picture, move around and get the dog to help you. Then keep trying to jump off the couch. Wait till mommy gives up and is almost crying, then that is when you sit still.

5. Be ready to attack anyone, anywhere. You must gain their trust and make them believe you are being a good boy, then go in for the kill. Sure you get yelled at, but we MUST keep them on their toys, it's our job as boys.

6. ALWAYS make a mess when eating. Sure mommy gives me wet rags to clean up, but making a mess is so much fun. It's even better when you make a mess and threaten to spread it all over mommy's  furniture.

7. Farts are funny and noisy. When you fart, stick your hand in your pants and ...either smell it, rub it on mommy, or get her to smell it. She will tell you that gentleman don't do that, but I say ROAAAAR. I'm a dinosaur NOT a gentleman, so smell my stinky fart mommy.

8. Rolling around like a crazy animal is vital to keeping up our destruction.

9. You must have a few cute faces that you rotate so you can get away with doing bad things. A cute face, smile and giggle can make a mommy's heart melt. She will automatically forget what you did, laugh, and hold you tight. It works even better if you dress up really silly.


  1. sorry about all the pictures babe. Have a great family vacation babe.

    1. It was no big deal. So far it is pretty fun. Seeing Destructo on the beach was awesome. I am excited for our first actual beach day as we got here late yesterday and today is rainy.

  2. I totally understand this post. I feel like you just described my house. Haha :-)

    New follower:

    1. LOL...boys are just crazy

    2. Boys are totally crazy. Thanks for following. I am checking your blog out right now.

  3. Cute faces help! lol Maybe Captain Destructo and Dinosaur should get together for a playdate so that Dinosaur can demonstrate all the advice! lol

    1. We have already decided that Destructo and Dinosaur never ever need to meet for a playdate. The world as we know it might cease to exist.

    2. Sounds like a great premise to a cartoon series! ;)

    3. Wow that is a great idea. I am going to be a millionaire. Don't worry I will send you autographs that you can sell on ebay. :)

  4. Cute faces are impossible to resist. Keep up the good work Dinosaur!

    1. I know. Destructo has a certain face he makes when he is in trouble that makes me laugh so hard my disciplining is a lot less effective.

  5. I had 2 boys a year apart so take all of the above and double it! Actually, Dinosaur may not realize it but that "do anything for cake" thing is something most of us NEVER outgrow, we just stop eating it wearing a diaper.

    1. Wow I bet you have some hilarious stories to tell about the adventures your boys get into.

  6. Such a fun post! Sounds like Dinosaur graduated from my boys' School of How To Be a Boy with flying colors :-)


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