Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Top Ten Things I Hope 2013 Brings

1)  The prerequisite health, happiness, friendship yada yada yada that everyone wishes for.

2)  A visit with my good friend Michela who left to go back to Italy right after Thanksgiving.  You can read about all the fun we had here  and  here.  I really miss her and can't wait to get to (hopefully) see her in May.  We have big plans to celebrate Destructo's second birthday, go to the Renaissance festival, and in general have a great time. I am hoping we can also convince our other friend Sung to come into town for a visit and the awesome threesome can be back together again.
Kentucky Derby last year

3)  The creative spectacle of Kai's second birthday.  We are going with a Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood theme since he keeps requesting that and it is his baby addiction right now.  The problem is that the show has only been out since September and thus I can't just walk up in the party store and buy plates and balloons since no merchandise it out yet.  But not to worry between my Martha Stewart creative genius mother and my new work bestie who I found out today freaking sews Renaissance festival dresses (who does that?  I am so jealous,) I am sure I can pull it off.

4)  My sister Dayna hopefully having a baby.  She has had three miscarriages so far and I am really hoping she will get her sticky baby this year.  You can read more about her story here.

5)  To pay off all our medical bills and hopefully my vehicle.  It will be nice to be much more debt free than we are now.

6)  To run an entire 5K. I mentioned that I have started the couch to 5K program in October of last year.  I am hoping that effort pays off and I am able to run an entire 5K and my ultimate goal is to run one in under 10 minutes/mile.  We shall see if that happens.

7)  To have a much better organized house that actually utilizes all it's space instead of having rooms that no one can walk in.  This was another of my resolutions this year.

8)  A Triple Crown winner.  I mean come on we haven't had one since 1978 when Affirmed swept the Triple Crown.  I deserve to see one in my lifetime.  Here is a Wikipedia link in case you don't know anything about the Triple Crown.  Learn something new every day.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Triple_Crown_of_Thoroughbred_Racing

9)  Destructo to get to play in snow.  It doesn't snow much down in the South, but occasionally it does.  I really hope we get a few inch snow so Kai can play to his hearts content.
I will even take this amount of snow haha

10)  Horse back riding.  I lost my beautiful, Arabian mare Ellie nearly four years ago.  I miss her daily and I really miss horse back riding.  I hope between my two friends that have horses to find time to ride more regularly now that Destructo is older and semi weaned.  There is nothing like loping through a field on horse back to cure a bad day.

Linked up at:
Ten Things Tuesday
Wisdom Wednesday


  1. We love Daniel Tiger too! Good luck with decorations! I want to say my husband read somewhere that they are coming out w a DT toy line soon!


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