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Morning sickness. Ahh the dreaded first tri (and sometimes even longer) curse of any pregnant woman. I was one of the lucky ones in that mine typically goes away once I hit about 14-15 weeks both times. I was also one of the "lucky" ones that pretty much got morning sick as the pee was drying on the pee stick. The joys of pregnancy.
Some tips and tricks I have learned in two pregnancies (and links in case you are too exhausted/sick to get off your couch and go get these thing):
1) Eat sour candy. For some reason Sour Patch Kids or Jolly Rancher Fruit n' Sour candy seemed to help me. Preggie Pop Drops were also a hit in my first pregnancy. Basically anything a bit sour and a bit fruity that I could keep in my mouth seemed to distract my head enough to function.
2) Unisom
3) Sea bands
4) Getting plenty of sleep. Easier said than done when you feel like puking all night long. But nights I didn't sleep much at all, I was also a lot sicker the next day. And yeah morning sickness is such a lie. I had worse middle of the night sickness or evening sickness than I ever did in the morning. I think it should be called all day sickness or can strike at any time sickness personally.
5) Fruit smoothies were a life saver both times. I could not eat in the morning but not eating made it worse and it was a vicious cycle with no happy end in sight. I started making strawberry banana smoothies and adding in whey protein
6) Anything icy cold to drink in the morning (or whenever you are taunted by the evil morning sickness beast) seemed to help ward off some of the sickness.
7) Ginger candy
8) When I felt a episode of about to get sick coming on, I would take slow deep breaths and concentrate on not getting sick. Lying down if I could also helped.
9) I tried to avoid any strong scents. Coffee really bothered me both times so I would use the door not through the kitchen at work. I started taking the stairs more to avoid being trapped in the elevator with people who could smell like cigarette smoke or strong perfume. Good exercise as well!
10) Eating frequent small meals of protein and carbs helped. Cheese and crackers, hummus and pretzels, peanut butter on crackers were all good and quick snacks.
11) Chewing watermelon gum helped this time. Not sure why. But it did.
12) Don't feel guilty if you aren't able to eat super healthily in first tri. You can make up for it later. Eat what you can, when you can.
Okay I hope some of these tricks and tips might help you feel better. If your morning sickness is really bad, talk to your doctor about Zofran. I have heard it helps a lot.
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