Monday, October 7, 2013

Week Twelve: Plum


How far along: 12 weeks

 Total weight gain: 3 pounds.

 Maternity clothes: I have broke out the maternity and/or elastic waist band jeans for sure.  Heck I have even been wearing a particular maternity shirt a bit even though I can still wear some of my looser fitting clothes.

Stretch marks: Not any new ones that I didn't have from Kai.

Sleep:  This week was pretty good sleep wise.  Only two bathroom trips per night haha.

Best moment of this week: My hubby coming back from out of town

 Miss anything:  Still turkey and ham sandwiches

 Movement: Nope.

Food cravings: Not so much this week. 

 Have you started to show yet: A bit

 Gender: Will find out November 6th.  If I had to put a guess on paper, I would say girl.  But it isn't a super strong feeling like with Destructo when I knew he was a boy.

Labor signs:  NO

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or moody most of the time:  Quite moody this week but that was more to do with the hubby being gone and being quite tired.

Looking forward to:  Going to the race track on Saturday.