Friday, February 21, 2014

It's Been Quiet Around Here

Sorry for the lack of blogging lately.  The end of pregnancy is rough.  Plus I have been in clean all the things mode since being a (mostly) stay at home mom.  I am still working one day a week although next week will probably be the last week I actually go in since it is getting harder to drag myself there.

Destructo and I went to the zoo Tuesday.  He loved that.  I did too for the first hour.  Then walking got hard and I kind of hated it lol.  He is getting to be such a big boy though.  He rode the kiddie train all by himself for the first time.  At one point while all the kids were watching animals, Destructo was pretending to shoot the turkeys.  He then gobbled them all up and said how full he was.  Yeah can you tell we are a hunting family?

Last night I was all set to work on a blog post about the different cloth trainers I have tried and my thoughts on them.  Then we got put under a tornado warning.  For the first time in five years we actually took cover.  We don't really have anywhere safe in our house unfortunately.  We sat in the hall and Destructo was strapped into his car seat with his bike helmet on.  He thought it was quite the adventure and pretended he was on a plane ride complete with making us pay him tickets.  Luckily nothing happened other than some high winds, hail, and tons of lightening.  

To top this busy week off, I am in last few weeks of pregnancy joy.  Or hell either way.  I am having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions and lots of painful cramping and not sleeping.  I literally see every hour on the clock.  This happened with Destructo and it just seems cruel to me.  Why would it be where you can't sleep in the last few weeks before you have a newborn and don't get to sleep?  That is so backwards to me.  Someone make it stop haha.

Finally, tomorrow is a busy day because it is my baby shower/sprinkle.  I am so excited to get together with family and friends to celebrate the fact that a new life is about to enter this world.  I can't wait.  The rest of the weekend is going to consist of doing all the last minute things I need to do to get ready for this baby.  I need to set up the swing and bassinet, finish getting the few things out of the attic and washing them, packing hospital bags for me and the baby, and getting the car seat ready.  Busy, busy, busy I tell ya.

On a final note if anyone reading this wants to do a guest post in the few weeks after I have the baby, I am definitely looking for some.  I have a feeling my blogging will be few and far between while I adjust to life with a crazy Captain Destructo and a newbie.  Just let me know!