Saturday, March 22, 2014

Week 39: Watermelon

The fruit of the week really makes me anxious for summer gardening.  I had never planted cantaloupe or watermelon until last year and they did really well.  I look forward to planting them again this year.

How far along: 39 weeks. 

Total weight gain:  Up 30 pounds.  At one point it was up 32 pounds, but last night when I weighed myself I was back down two pounds.  

 Maternity clothes:  Yes.  Not many of those even fit me anymore.  My belly is always hanging out.

 Stretch marks:  They are all over my hips and butt even onto my upper legs.  

 Sleep:  I was incredibly queasy last weekend and discovered that Dramamine really makes me sleep well.  So I sleep crappy the nights I don't take it and pretty good the nights I do.  

Best moment of this week:  Well the week is only half over so hopefully having a baby will be the best moment.  If not, probably just chilling with Destructo.  I have been staying close to home just in case I go into labor.  With Destructo being malpositioned and this being my second baby, I truly have no idea what labor will be like since Kai's was so far from normal.  I don't want to get too far away and have labor start fast and furious when I am out with Kai.  Plus the weather has been gorgeous so we have been going for lots of walks so he can ride his bike.  And by walks, I mean waddles in my case.

Miss anything:  Knowing with a fairly good degree of certainty I am not going into labor when I lay down to go to sleep at night.  I hate the uncertainty of everything.  Plus the having to line up who is coming to take care of Destructo each and every night sucks.  So I guess I miss the relative certainty that is life.

Movement:   Quieter than normal especially today.  He has barely moved today.  He was pretty active last night so apparently he wore himself out.

Food cravings:  Cherry slushes from Sonic.  My hubby brought me one home the other night and I have had to have one each day since.  Pure sugar I am sure, but so delicious.  

Have you started to show yet:  I am huge.  End of story.  In fact, maybe I will even include a picture.
Yep looks like a watermelon to me

Gender:  Baby boy who will probably never have a name other than knowing it will be a Biblical name.  

 Labor signs:  Tons of them.  I was 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced at my appointment on Wednesday.  I had timeable contractions Thursday evening for two hours, but then they went away.  I have had other gross labor signs we won't blog about.  And tons of contractions and cramping, but nothing regular as of yet.  

 Belly button in or out:  Out yuck.  I actually don't think it can get any further out.  Mr. Destructo is fascinated with poking it and it makes me irate.

Wedding rings on or off:  Off.  My hands and feet are both quite swollen and now even my face and upper arms is a bit swollen.  

Happy or moody most of the time:  Happy  but anxious.  I want  life to settle into a routine again.  Plus I am tired of uncertainty.  I get quite angry/moody when I am really having contractions and uncomfortable but luckily then it passes and life moves on.  I will still take this a thousand times over compared to Destructo's birth because I am making progress with not a ton of discomfort.  I was in hard active labor for days just to get to a 3 with Destructo and I am sitting at a 3 (and hopefully even more) with just minor annoyances.  I hope this continues.


  1. Can't wait until your new little one arrives! I totally understand not wanting to be too far from home when you go into labor. The day I went into labor with my little man I had taken the girls to mid-week worship thinking I was just having Braxton Hicks. Fortunately we made it home before I was 100% certain it was the real deal.

  2. So exciting!!!! I hope he comes soon and you have a fast, easy labor! And I hope the perfect name comes to you. :)

    1. I laugh when I was commenting on these since technically he had already been born when you commented on this. And yes, the perfect name came to me and I can't picture having named him anything else.

  3. I can't imagine carrying around another 30 lbs at my abdomen but i guess when the change is gradual it's doable!


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