Monday, August 20, 2012

Playdough and Goop

I finally got around to making playdough for Destructo.  I want to make some in each of the primary colors, but ran out of baking soda before I could do blue and green.  I guess those will have to be for tomorrow and by tomorrow I most likely mean Tuesday since I will probably be off then.

I used the second recipe from this post.  It is basically one cup baking soda, 1/2 cup corn starch, and 3/4 cup water plus food coloring.  You mix the three ingredients and heat it on medium stirring constantly.  You want to heat it just until it starts really balling up and then stop.   The red was kind of crumbly because I heated it just slightly too long.  They yellow was perfect.

I decided to go with this recipe because it doesn't contain tons of salt which could possibly be toxic if your child decided to eat the entire amount of playdough.  I don't plan on letting that happen with Destructo, but he did get his name for a reason.  I am going to store it in the fridge in ziplocks just to extend its life.

I also made "goop."  I used to make this as a sensory activity for the kids at the daycare when I worked there.  It is just corn starch and water (equal parts) with a little food coloring mixed in.  But for whatever reason this particular batch didn't seem to work so I added a bit more corn starch and now it is working great.  It is a lot of fun to play with and can be a liquid and a solid.  I keep it in a ziplock baggie for nice and clean sensory play. 

For any of my readers with older kids, I found this link that can turn making goop (or ooze as the page calls it) into a science activity.

Liquid or Solid?

I will get some pictures up of Destructo playing with his playdough in the next day or two.  We had company over most of the day, so I didn't end up getting the playdough out.  He did play with the goop, but was pretty distracted by the little boy who was over. 


  1. We love both of these activities - they are great ways to play with your kids!

    Marissa @

    1. I am excited to let Destructo try it out. I want to make the blue and green too and use it as a way to help teach colors. Thanks for reading!

  2. Wow it seems really interesting! Thanks for shearing! If you get a second, I'd love to hear your thoughts about my latest outfit :)

  3. Looks awesome! I will definitely try this. All the best, Monica

    1. It was super easy. Just make sure to remove it from the heat as soon as it starts balling up or else it gets kind of crumbly.

  4. Both are so much fun to play with! If only my son would not like eating such things so much haha!

    1. That is why I went with this recipe as well. It isn't mainly salt which in high amounts can be toxic. I worry that I will have to go to the bathroom and he will eat it all or that he will like climb that baby gate, pull a chair over to the fridge, open it, take out the playdough, and eat it when I turn my back for two seconds. With Destructo sadly I could see either scenario happening.

  5. Thanks for sharing! I pinned this :)

    1. Yay! My first pin that wasn't pinned by me. Thanks for reading!

  6. Hello I Love My Friends GFC Blog Hop Hostess! Happy to see you hosting. :) I actually recognize your blog from other blog hops. If you haven't already visited my blog, please check it out. (And follow.) Have a great week.


    1. I already follow your blog as well! Thanks for reading. I love meeting new bloggy friends.

  7. thats so neat that you made that melissa! just found your blog from the hop and excited to be your newest follower!

    ps. drop by and say hi at when you get a chance!

    1. Thanks for following! I am checking your blog out right now.

  8. How much fun! I want to make these for the babes, I just hope they don't eat it!

    1. I am kind of worried Kai will attempt to eat it. Hence why I made my own instead of buying some. At least I know exactly what went into it. I wanted to make koolaid or jello playdough, but was worried that this would entice him to devour it even more. I will wait on those until he is a bit older.

  9. Ahhh my kids would LOVE this - thanks for sharing :) newest follower via the i love online friends blog hop :)

    Faye@Girl Does Geek

    1. I am so excited to get to watch him play with it. I am checking out your blog right now. Thanks for following me!

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks. I am actually going to post pics here tomorrow with him actually playing with the playdough. He loved it.

  11. Wow this looks great,thanks for linking up to welcome to the weekend hop,would love you to stop by and add it to Creative Mondays? :)

    1. I added it. Thanks for reminding me. I love that blog hop.

  12. What kid doesn't have a favorite memory that doesn't love Play Doh? Glad you had such a fun time.

    1. I know. I used to have the spaghetti making machine thingie. I loved making all the different shapes. Now I kind of want to find one of those for Kai.

  13. Thanks for checking out my guest post today on Ali's blog!

  14. Thank you so much for sharing this on Marvelous Mondays! :)

  15. Pinned this because this looks awesome! I love making homemade stuff because then you can get your kids to help making it and then they can play with it. Very cool! Thanks!


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