Sunday, August 26, 2012

What Destructo does when he thinks mommy isn't looking?

But little does he know that I am always watching. I have eyes in the back of my head. (Or at least that is what I am going to tell him as he grows up.) I think he is practicing to be an Olympic gymnast.


  1. Hey, he'll be awesome at the balance beam!! :D

    1. One can hope. I would love to watch my kid in the Olympics.

  2. This is too funny! Reminds me so much of my son :)

    1. He is a funny little man. He makes me so mad sometimes, but then cracks me up two seconds later.

  3. So funny! My guy gets on his wooden wagon that usually has blocks, and tries to skateboard on it.

    1. Oh goodness I bet there are a lot of bumps and bruises with that activity.

  4. too cute, at least he gets off right away. Dino pretends he doesn't hear me.

    1. Well just wait until my Wordless Wednesday post. Spoiler alert, but his Olympic dismount needs some practice.

  5. I think in the beginning he was hoping it would drive while he held on and then when it didn't go anywhere and it got boring, he decided to try another stunt. He does balancing pretty well for someone so young.

    When my son was about 3 years old, I found dusty footprints on the dining room table and book case and realized that he had been climbing while I was with his baby sister in the bedroom. So, yes, moms do have "eyes" in the back of their heads! Hahaha!

    1. I can always tell when Kai is up to no good because he is super quiet about it. I am amazed at what balance he has for being not quite 16 months yet.


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