Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wordless Wednesday-- The Saga Continues

Okay so for anyone that didn't see my earlier post, you need to check out this post What Destructo does when He Thinks Mommy isn't Looking for this Wordless Wednesday to make sense.

That darn pirate ship attacked me.  I swear I wasn't standing on it momma.


  1. Poor Kiddo! :( Dont worry... my Little Man does the same thing! I have a picture of him using his ride along Lightening McQueen as a step stool to reach the end table!

    Following you from the blog hop

    1. I am checking out your blog now. Destructo is just starting to learn how to use things to climb onto other things more effectively. He has started being able to get onto the couch which I can see being dangerous very soon.

  2. Replies
    1. He really likes showing everyone his booboo. He does the baby sign for hurt and points to it.

  3. found u thru the naptime review bloghop and follow thru GFC now.

  4. Over from the hop. Wish I could do a wordless wednesday (or wordless anything else for that matter) but I'm afraid wordless is an impossibility where I'm concerned! Joined you as a follower!

    1. My wordless Wednesdays are at best word few! Thanks for following! I am checking out your blog right now.

  5. I love how in the video he tries to get off right away after he thinks you caught him. Too cute!

    1. Yeah because he KNOWS he is doing wrong. That is why he exasperates me. You can ask him what goes on the pirate ship and he will answer butt butt. Toddlers.

  6. Thanks Melissa for linking up! Poor kid! Bumps are never nice. Have a lovely weekend!

    Tina - mom of 4 and author of 5 blogs

    1. No and he remembers each and every bump he has and constantly tells us about his booms.


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